Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
M.Tech. in Engineering Systems, Faculty of Enginnering, Dayalbagh Educational Institute,Agra with I (2003-2007)
B.Sc.(Engg.) Electrical in Electrical, Faculty of Enginnering, Dayalbagh Educational Institute,Agra with I (1999-2003)
Professional Experience
Teaching Experience
1. |
Assistant Professor, Sree Nidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad (10-07-2007 - 18-01-2011) |
2. |
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Agra College, Agra (08-07-2005 - 09-07-2007) |
3. |
Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Agra College, Agra (16-02-2004 - 07-07-2005) |
4. |
Lecturer, Anand Engineering College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh (08-08-2003 - 30-11-2003) |
1. |
Assistant Professor(SGS), JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial (2021 - 2017) |
2. |
Assistant Professor(Sr.Scale), JNTUH College of Engineering, Nachupally, Karimnagar, Telangana (2012 - 2017) |
3. |
Assistant Professor, JNTUH College of Engineering, Nachupally, Karimnagar, Telangana (2011 - 2012) |
International Journals |
1 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Sonnaila Vishnu Vardhan, Design and Evaluation of PSO based Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm for Standalone PV System, Design Engineering, ISBN No.0011-9342, Vol No.2021, Issue No.8, pp.14075-14083, November, 2021 |
2 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Toom Nithin Chandra, Modeling and Simulation of a V2g/G2v Electric Vehicle Charging Station, Design Engineering, ISBN No.0011-9342, Vol No.2021, Issue No.8, pp.14084-14094, November, 2021 |
3 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Sandeep Ramineni, Simulation Analysis of MPPT Controller for Solar Photovoltaic System using ANFIS Technique, Design Engineering, ISBN No.0011-9342, Vol No.2021, Issue No.9, pp.187-202, November, 2021 |
4 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Beeram Manjula , Harmonic Reduction and Improvement of Reliability for Grid Connected PV System using High Level Inverter, Design Engineering, ISBN No.0011-9342, Vol No.2021, Issue No.9, pp.2296-2303, November, 2021 |
5 . |
Chandragiri Radhacharan, Beeram Manjula, Rooftop Photovoltaic Power Generation System and its Performance Effecting Factors, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ISBN No.1671-4512, Vol No.50, Issue No.2, pp.1-12, February, 2021 |
6 . |
P.Sangeetha, Srujana Goli, Chandragiri Radha Charan, Compensation of Reactive Power Flow by Reducing the Current Harmonics using Shunt Active Filters, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ISBN No.1671-4512, Vol No.50, Issue No.2, pp.1-12, February, 2021 |
7 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Diddi Ramya, Power Management of PV Battery Micro Grids With PR Controller, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, ISBN No.1671-4512, Vol No.50, Issue No.2, pp.1-12, February, 2021 |
8 . |
Shymala S, C Radha Charan, Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm to Schedule Boiler Operation According to the Variable Load, JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory, ISBN No.0731-6755, Vol No.XIV, Issue No.IV, pp.104-111, April, 2021 |
9 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Toom Nitin, Performance Analysis of Fuzzy-Logic based Controller for MPPT of PV Cell, Helix Journal, ISBN No.2277-3495, Vol No.10, pp.90-96, 31st August , 2020 |
10 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Sonnaila Vishnu Vardhan, Designing and Evaluation the Solar Roof Top Plant Interconnectivity System for the Residential Buildings, Helix Journal, ISBN No.2319-5592, Vol No.10, pp.97-103, 31st August , 2020 |
11 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Ramineni Sandeep, Dr.Aditi Sharma, Estimation of Technical Parameters for a PV System, Solid State Technology, ISBN No.0038-111X, Vol No.63, Issue No.5 , pp.9853-9864, December, 2020 |
12 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Palla Tejaswini, Design of a Net Energy Metering System for a Hybrid Energy Storage System, " International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology , ISBN No.2249 –8958, Vol No.9, Issue No.3, pp.3003-3005, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, February, 2020 |
13 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Adla Raju, A Review on Optimal Power Control of Grid Connected Photo Voltaic Resources, Journal of Engineering Sciences, ISBN No.0377-9254, Vol No.11, Issue No.2, pp.383-384, February, 2020 |
14 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Diddi Ramya, A D-STATCOM for Power Quality Improvement Under Different Fault Conditions, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISBN No.2277-3878, Vol No.8, Issue No.6, pp.1462-1465, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, March, 2020 |
15 . |
Vurity Anudeep, Harshith Ch, Ram Kumar Paidi, Ch. Radha Charan, Lithium Battery Monitoring and Mathematically Modelling its Equation, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISBN No.2277-3878, Vol No.8, Issue No.2, pp.699-702, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, July, 2019 |
16 . |
V. Baby Shalini, Gattu Vinay Goud, Chandragiri Radha Charan, Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Pv System: A Pre-Feasibility Estimation Using Pvsol Premium And System Advisor Model(Sam), International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research, ISBN No.2277-8616, Vol No.8, Issue No.9, pp.1711-1716, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication, September, 2019 |
17 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Dr.A.Jaya Laxmi, P.Sangeetha, Optimized Energy Efficient Solution with Stand Alone PV System, International Journal of Science and Technology , ISBN No.2454-5880, Vol No.3, Issue No.1, pp.16-27, January, 2017 |
18 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, K.Pritam Satsangi, Thotakuri Meghana, Sreevani Sreekonda, A Practical Analysis of PV System in North India, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISBN No.2250-2459, Vol No.7, Issue No.1, pp.179-185, December, 2017 |
19 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Performance Analysis and Seasonal Modulation of Load Grid Connected Photo-Voltaic System using PVSYST, International Journal Of Pure and Applied Research in Engineering and Technology, ISBN No.2319-507X, Vol No.4, Issue No.9, pp.409-417, 2016 |
20 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Yalakanti Laxminarayana, Dhanalakshmi Miryala, Flow Chart Model of Generalized Neuro-Fuzzy Network for Electric Short Term Load Forecasting, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Recent Development in Computational and Information Technology (ICRDCIT'16) , ISBN No.978-93-84935-81-8, pp.19-20, Department of Information Technology, SRM University Delhi NCR Campus, India, February, 2016 |
21 . |
Shailaja M, V Vijay Kumar, Chandragiri Radha Charan, A V Sitarama Raju, Development of Back Propagation Neural Network Model to Predict Performance and Emission Parameters of a Diesel Engine, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, ISBN No.0967-6480, Vol No.4, Issue No.3, pp.85-92, April, 2013 |
22 . |
K Naga Sujatha, C Radha Charan, Design and Implementation of Microcontroller Based Time Operated Solar Tracking System, Yuva Engineers - International Journal & Magazine of Engineering, Technology, Management and Research, ISBN No.: 2320-3706 , Vol No.1, Issue No.4, pp.9-12, March, 2012 |
23 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, K Srinivas, K Pritam Satsangi, Learning Rates in Generalized Neuron Model for Short Term Load Forecasting, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN No.0975-8887, Vol No.45, Issue No.24, pp.28-32, May, 2012 |
24 . |
M T L Gayatri, AVRSS Sarma, Chandragiri Radha Charan, Fast Initial State Assessment for State Estimator using Optimally Located Phasor Measurement Units, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN No.0975-8887, Vol No.50, Issue No.17, pp.24-28, July, 2012 |
25 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Manmohan, Non Adaptive Generalized Neuron Model for Short-Term Load Forecasting with Error Functions, Georgian Electronic Scientific Journal – Computer Sciences and Telecommunications, ISBN No.1512-1232, Vol No.26, Issue No.3, pp.81-87, 2010 |
26 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Short Term Load Forecasting using Generalized Neuron Model under Cauchy Error Gradient Function, ELEKTROSNIST, Research Journal of School of Electrical Engineering, Vol No.1, Issue No.1, pp.59-63, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, March, 2010 |
National Journals |
1 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, P.Sangeetha, Review of Photo – Voltaic System Technology Tools, International Journal of Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication (IJRITCC) , ISBN No.2321-8169, Vol No.4, Issue No.6, pp.152-154, , June, 2016 |
2 . |
K.Pritam Satsangi , C.Radha Charan, Intelligent BLDC Drive, Dayalbagh Educational Institute Journal of Science Engineering and Research , ISBN No.0970-0463, Vol No.15, Issue No.1&2, pp.109-117, Dayalbagh Educational Institute Journal of Science Engineering and Research , 2009 |
3 . |
K Pritam Satsangi, Chandragiri Radha Charan, Intelligent BLDC drive, Dayalbagh Educational Institute Journal of Science Engineering and Research, ISBN No.0970-0463, Vol No.15, Issue No.1&2, pp.109-117, 2009 |
International Conference |
1 . |
S.Jagadish Kumar, P.Sangeetha, Chandragiri Radha Charan, Shunt Active Power Filter Control by Instantaneous Reactive Power Compensation, International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications, Power and Embedded Systems (SCOPES)- 2016, ISBN No.978-1-5090-4620-1/16, pp.2012-2016, IEEE,USA, October, 2016 |
2 . |
P.Sangeetha , Dr.K.Naga Sujatha, Chandragiri Radha Charan, Evaluation of Customer Scattering Impacts on Reliability of Distribution System with DG, 7th International Conference on Envirotech, Cleantech and Greentech (ECG), Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Executive Centre, Singapore, ISBN No.2454-5880, pp.8, World Association for Scientific Research and Technical Innovation (WASRTI)- Global Research & Development Services , November, 2016 |
3 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Dr. K.Naga Sujatha, K.Pritam Satsangi, Fuzzy Logic Controller based Model for Rooftop/Grid connected Solar Photovoltaic System, IEEE R10 Humanitarian Technology, ISBN No.978-1-5090-4177-0, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagh, Agra, 21st -23rd December , 2016 |
4 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Single Phase Rooftop PV System with Direct Control and Fuzzy Logic Method, International Conference on Innovate Methods in Engineering Applications, Applied Sciences and Management Cases , pp.26, Anveshana Educational And Research Foundation, Hyderabad, January, 2016 |
5 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Survey of Photo-Voltaic Technology System Software’s, International Conference on Innovate Methods in Engineering Applications, Applied Sciences and Management Cases , pp.10-10, Anveshana Educational And Research Foundation, Hyderabad, January, 2016 |
6 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Performance Analysis and Seasonal Modulation of Load Grid Connected Photo-Voltaic System using PVSYST, 4th International Conference on Emerging Trends & Research in Engineering, Technology & Science , Dr. Rajendra Gode Institute of Technology & Research , Amravati, M.S & 17th ISTE , New Delhi Maharashtra & Goa Section Faculty Convention, March, 2016 |
7 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, V.B.Shalini, P.Swetha, Graphical Approach of Generalized Neuron Model for Electric Load Forecasting During Error Gradient Functions, Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Development in Computational Science and Information Technology (ICRDCIT ‘14) , ISBN No.978-93-83083-55-8, pp.186-190, Dept. of IT, SRM University, Delhi NCR Campus, India, March, 2014 |
8 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Two Aggregation Parameters for Neural Network under ESTLF, International Conference in Engineering & Technology, (ICIET-2014), ISBN No.978-81-925882-3-0, pp.9-12, Department of Electronics & Communications , Arya College of Engineering and I.T., Jaipur , Rajasthan, September , 2014 |
9 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Application of Error Gradient Function by Generalized Neuron Model under Electric Short Term Load Forecasting, International Conference on Interdisciplinary Applications of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, pp.53, KJ Somaiya College of Science and Commerce, Mumbai, April, 2013 |
10 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Shailaja M, B V Ram Naresh Yadav, Optimization of Error Gradient Functions by NAGNM through ESTLF, International Conference on Advanced Engineering Optimization Through Intelligent Techniques(AEOTIT 2013), pp.120-123, SV National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India, July, 2013 |
11 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, STLF under AGNM under Sum Square Error Gradient Function, 1st International Conference on Recent Trends and Innovations in Engineering & Technology 2013, pp.176-178, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Research , Nagpur., December , 2013 |
12 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, S Praveen Kumar, Effect of Momentum Factor with Sum Square Error Gradient Function, International Conference on Recent Advances in Science and Engineering 2012, ISBN No.978-81-923541-0-6, pp.43-47, Association of Scholars & Professionals, October, 2012 |
13 . |
C Radha Charan, Ch V Sesha Giri, C Bhargava, Variation of Learning Rate in Generalized Neuron Model for Short Term Load Forecasting under Sum Squared Error Gradient Functions, International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary and Memtic computing (SEMCCO 2010), 17th-18th ,December, 2010 |
14 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Application of Generalized Neuron Model in Short Term Load Forecasting under Error Functions, 2nd International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, ISBN No.978-1-4244-6591-0, pp.1-4, IEEE Xplore , July, 2010 |
15 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Manmohan, Application of Adaptive Learning in Generalized Neuron Model for Short Term Load Forecasting under Error Gradient Functions, 3rd International Conference on Contemporary Computing, ISBN No.978-3-642-14833-0, pp.508-517, Springer Verlag (Communications in Computer and Information Science-94, Berlin, Heidelberg, August, 2010 |
16 . |
C Radha Charan, K Pritam Satsangi, E Poornima, Short Term Load Forecasting using Generalized Neuron Model With Error Gradient Functions, 1st International Conference on Communication & Computing (ICCC’10), ISBN No.: 978-81-909948-0-4, pp.1-4, SRM University, Chennai , April, 2010 |
17 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Manmohan Agrawal, Short Term Load Forecasting under Generalized Neuron Model with Error Functions, Joint International Conference on Applied System Research and XXXIII National Systems Conference, ISBN No.10:0-07-014856-2, pp.372-376, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, November , 2009 |
National Conference |
1 . |
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Estimation of Parameters for the Grid Connected Photo Voltaic System Using PVSyst: A Case Study, Souvenir on National Conference on Emerging Trends in Non- Conventional Energy Resources, pp.25, Dept. of ECE, Electrical Engineering, Physics Integral University, Lucknow, October 22nd , 2016 |
2 . |
K Sharada Shilpa, C Radha Charan, Solar Potential Assessment of Grid Connected Photo-Voltaic System in PVSyst Software, National Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ISBN No.978-93-82570-52-3, pp.33-34, JNTUH College of Engineering Nachupally, Karimnagar, February, 2015 |
3 . |
R.Renuka, C Radha Charan, Single Phase Rooftop PV System with Direct Control and Fuzzy Logic Methods, National Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ISBN No.978-93-82570-52-3, pp.35-37, JNTUH College of Engineering Karimnagar, February, 2015 |
4 . |
6. Sunkari Devender Reddy, C Radha Charan, Power Regulation of Battery System in Micro-Grid, National Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ISBN No.978-93-82570-52-3, pp.55-60, JNTUH College of Engineering Karimnagar, February, 2015 |
5 . |
Karteek Kumar, C Radha Charan, Optimal Location of Super Conducting Fault Current Limiters for the Smart Grid Application, National Conference on Advances and Applications in Power System, Power Electronics and Solar Energy, Dept. of EEE, JNTUH College of Engineering, Jagtial, October, 2013 |
6 . |
C Radha Charan, V Srinath, Short Term Load Forecasting using Generalized Neuron Model, National Conference on Design, Operation and Control of Distribution System, pp.1-5, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, India, July, 2009 |
7 . |
S.Ravi Chander, C Radha Charan, Implementation of Static VAR compensation through SVC at 132/11/33 substation, National Conference on Design, Operation and Control of Distribution System, pp.233-241, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, India, July, 2009 |
Workshop |
Events Participated/Organized
Organized |
Organized a Symposium on National Science Day, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial, 28-02-2020 |
Co-ordinated |
11. |
Coordinated for a Refresher Course on Programming in IoT, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial, 14-12-2020 to 19-12-2020 |
13. |
Coordinated for a Refresher Course on Programming in IoT, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial, 07-12-2020 to 12-12-2020 |
14. |
Coordinated for a Refresher Course on Programming in IoT, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial, 23-11-2020 to 28-11-2020 |
16. |
Coordinated for a Refresher Course on Soft Computing Techniques - Electrical Engineering, UGC-HRDC,JNTUH,Hyderabad, 05-10-2020 to 20-01-2020 |
17. |
Coordinated for a FDP on Outcome Based Education and Accreditation (NBA and NAAC), ISTE Telangana, 05-10-2020 to 09-10-2020 |
44. |
Coordinated for a Conference on Session Chair, 2nd International Conference on Recent Development in Computational and Information Technology (ICRDCIT'16), 26-02-2016 to 28-02-2016 |
Resource Person |
1. |
Resource Person in a FDP on Futuristic Innovations of Solar Energy- Introduction to Solar Photovoltaic System Software’s, Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Polytechnic Ballari, 07-01-2022 to 13-01-2022 |
2. |
Resource Person in a FDP on An overview of Solar PV System Software - Advances in Power Generation from Renewable Energy Sources, Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur, 06-12-2021 to 11-12-2021 |
3. |
Resource Person in a FDP on Introduction to Field Computation in Electrical Engineering, One Week AICTE-ISTE Induction/Refresher Course (Online Mode), 03-03-2021 to 09-03-2021 |
4. |
Resource Person in a Workshop on Solar Energy Conversion Systems: Technologies, Design and Applications, Velalar College of Engineering and Technology, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India, 15-02-2021 to 21-02-2021 |
5. |
Resource Person in a Workshop on Renewable Energy & Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Padm. Dr.V.B.Kolte College of Engineering, Malkapur, M.S., India, 15-06-2020 to 19-06-2020 |
Participated |
1. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Two-Week Online Refresher Course on AI Techniques - Electrical Engineering, UGC -HRDC , JNTUH Hyderabad, 22-11-2021 to 04-12-2021 |
2. |
Participated in a FDP on Artificial Intelligence for Electrical Engineering, Department of EEE, Rajaramnagar, RIT-IEEE Students branch, IEEE Region 10 Educational Activity , IEEE Bombay Section Educational Activities, 04-10-2021 to 08-10-2021 |
3. |
Participated in a FDP on Techno - Economic Assessment of Flexibility Competency in Deregulated Power System(TEAFCDPS-2021), Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan , Jaipur IEI(India)., 20-09-2021 to 24-09-2021 |
4. |
Participated in a Workshop on Nature Inspired Optimization Techniques, ATAL Workshop at National Institute of Delhi, New Delhi, 19-07-2021 to 23-07-2021 |
5. |
Participated in a FDP on Advances in Renewable Energy & Smart Grid Integration, Department of EEE, Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Noida , U.P., 31-05-2021 to 04-06-2021 |
6. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Two Weeks industrial Training on Electrical Design and Analysis using E-TAP, National Small Industries Corporation Ltd. Technical Services Centre, Hyderabad, 10-05-2021 to 24-05-2021 |
7. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Programming in Internet of Things, Department of CSE, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial, Telangana State, 14-12-2020 to 19-12-2020 |
8. |
Participated in a Workshop on Systems Engineering, ATAL Workshop at National Institute of Delhi, New Delhi, 26-10-2020 to 30-10-2020 |
9. |
Participated in a FDP on Smart Grid Technology, REVA University, IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter, 16-07-2020 to 20-07-2020 |
10. |
Participated in a FDP on Fuzzy Mathematics and its Applications, Government College Daman, 11-07-2020 to 13-07-2020 |
11. |
Participated in a FDP on AI Techniques to Electrical Engineering, UGC-HRDC,JNTUH,Hyderabad, 06-07-2020 to 10-07-2020 |
12. |
Participated in a FDP on Real-Time Protection of Modern Power systems(RPMPS-2020), Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science Warangal in association with IEI-Warangal Local Center., 23-06-2020 to 27-06-2020 |
13. |
Participated in a FDP on Moodle Learning System, JNTUH College of Engineering Sultanpur , Sangareddy Dist., T.S and Spoken Tutorial Project IIT, Bombay under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Training (PMMMNMTT), 10-06-2020 to 15-06-2020 |
14. |
Participated in a FDP on Renewable Energy Systems, The Institution of Green Engineering (IGEN) in collaboration with Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, 08-06-2020 to 12-06-2020 |
15. |
Participated in a FDP on Micro Grid , Electric Vehicles and Allied Areas(MGEVAA-20), Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering , Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science , Warangal(An Autonomous Institute Under Kakatiya University, Warangal, 01-06-2020 to 05-06-2020 |
16. |
Participated in a Workshop on Soft Computing Techniques – Renewable and Electrical Systems, UGC-Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), JNTUH, Hyderabad., 01-06-2020 to 06-06-2020 |
17. |
Participated in a FDP on Novel Approaches of Blockchain Technology & its Applications, Faculty of Engineering & Computing Science (FOECS), Teerthankar Mahaveer University , Moradabad, UP, 22-05-2020 to 28-05-2020 |
18. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Recent Innovations in Electrical , Electronics, Instrumentation , Automation & Teaching Pedagogy, Department of EEE, EIE & ICE, Sri Sai Ram Engineering College, Chennai, 18-05-2020 to 30-05-2020 |
19. |
Participated in a Training on MATLAB based Teaching-Learning in Mathematics, Science & Engineering, Department of Electronics Engineering, Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology, Nerul, Navi Mumbai in collaboration with DesignTech Systems Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, 18-05-2020 to 22-05-2020 |
20. |
Participated in a FDP on R Programming, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology Mesra Off Campus Noida in association with Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, 11-05-2020 to 15-05-2020 |
21. |
Participated in a FDP on Scilab, Rajarshi Shahu Mahavidyalaya (Autonomous), Latur, and Spoken Tutorial Project IIT, Bombay, 01-05-2020 to 07-05-2020 |
22. |
Participated in a Workshop on Online Tools & Software for Remote Teaching-Learning, UGC-HRDC, JNTUH, Hyderabad, 24-04-2020 to 25-04-2020 |
23. |
Participated in a Symposium on International Symposium on Recent Challenges in Engineering, College of Engineering O.U. ,Department of Electrical Engineering, 21-12-2019 to 22-12-2019 |
24. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Energy Conservation and Management – Issues and Methodologies, UGC-HRDC,JNTUH,Hyderabad, 18-11-2019 to 30-11-2019 |
25. |
Participated in a Workshop on e-Learning and ICT for Teaching & Learning, UGC-HRDC,JNTUH,Hyderabad, 30-07-2018 to 04-08-2018 |
26. |
Participated in a Workshop on e-Learning and ICT for Teaching & Learning, UGC-HRDC, JNT University, Hyderabad, 30-07-2018 to 04-08-2018 |
27. |
Participated in a Workshop on e-Learning and ICT for Teaching & Learning, UGC-HRDC, JNT University, Hyderabad, 30-07-2018 to 04-08-2018 |
28. |
Participated in a Workshop on Research Workshop, IIIT, Hyderabad, 26-08-2017 to 27-08-2017 |
29. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Real Time Simulation for Power Electronics and Power System Applications, Centre for Continuing Education, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, 10-07-2017 to 14-07-2017 |
30. |
Participated in a Workshop on Power System Studies – Theory and Practice at a glance, Department of EEE, JNTUH College of Engineering, Jagtial, T.S., 02-11-2016 to 04-11-2016 |
31. |
Participated in a Training on Hydraulics, Pneumatics, PLCs and Sensorics, University Industry Interaction Centre (UIIC) , JNTUH, Hyderabad, 13-06-2016 to 25-05-2016 |
32. |
Participated in a Workshop on Matrix Analysis Through Octave, IEEE Hyderabad Section, IIT Hyderabad, 09-04-2016 |
33. |
Participated in a Workshop on Big Data Analytics, Dept. of CSE, JNTUH College of Engineering, Jagtial, Karimnagar, 14-12-2015 to 20-12-2015 |
34. |
Participated in a Workshop on Section Student Congress’15, IEEE Hyderabad Section,DST Auditorium, HCU, Hyderabad, 03-10-2015 to 04-10-2015 |
35. |
Participated in a Workshop on IEEE Conference Organizing, Tata Consultancy Services, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, 25-04-2015 |
36. |
Participated in a Orientation Course on 32nd Orientation Course, UGC-Academic Staff College, JNTUH, Kukatpally, Hyderabad, 18-03-2013 to 18-04-2013 |
37. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Summer/ Winter School Research Methodology, JNTUH, College of Engineering , Nachupally, Karimnagar (Dist.), 11-06-2012 to 30-06-2012 |
38. |
Participated in a Workshop on TRIZ and Taguchi methods using Innovation and Optimization, QIP-Short Term Course at IIT Bombay, 19-12-2011 to 23-12-2011 |
39. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on TRIZ and Taguchi methods using Innovation and Optimization, IIT, Bombay, 19-12-2011 to 23-12-2011 |
40. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Recent trends in Deregulation of Power Systems, UGC - Academic College, JNTU Hyderabad, 13-06-2011 to 02-07-2011 |
41. |
Participated in a Training on Emerging Trends of Electrical Engineering, Department of EEE, Sree Nidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, India., 18-02-2008 to 22-02-2008 |
42. |
Participated in a Training on Effective Teaching Methodology, Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology, Hyderabad, India., 26-11-2007 to 01-12-2007 |
43. |
Participated in a Workshop on Soft Quantum and Nano Computing’ (SQUAN- 2007), D.E.I., Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India., 22-02-2007 to 25-02-2016 |
44. |
Participated in a Workshop on Power systems for 21st Century- Various Issues and Possible Solutions, • IEEE PES-IAS Delhi Chapter,Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, 06-11-2004 to 07-11-2004 |
45. |
Participated in a FDP on Mathematical Modeling of Engineering Systems, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, 14-06-2004 to 18-06-2004 |
Honors & Professional Activities
ISTE-Syed Sajid National Award for Outstanding Research work on Renewable Energy, Indian Society for Technical Education, 2020
Award of Excellence in Education, International Association of Educators and Corporate Trainers Award-2020,Bestow Edutrex International TM, 2020
Young Achiever Award, Institute of Scholars, 2019
Best Paper Award, Association of Scholars & Professionals, Hyderabad, 2012
Power System Computation Lab I in I M.Tech.EPS I (2021-22) | Power System Analysis in I M.Tech.EPS I (2021-22) | Al Techniques in Electrical Power Engineering in I M.Tech.EPS II (2015-16) | Power Systems Lab-I in I M.Tech.EPS I (2015-16) | Advanced Power System Analysis in I M.Tech.EPS I (2015-16) | Seminar in I M.Tech.EPS II (2016-17) | Power & Energy Systems Lab - I in I M.Tech.EPS I (2016-17) | AI Techniques in Electrical Engineering in I M.Tech.EPS II (2016-17) | Advanced Power System Analysis in I M.Tech.EPS I (2016-17) | Seminar in I M.Tech.EPS II (2017-18) | Power System Dynamics in I M.Tech.EPS II (2017-18) | Power & Energy Systems Lab - I in I M.Tech.EPS I (2017-18) | Advanced Power System Analysis in I M.Tech.EPS I (2017-18) | Seminar in I M.Tech.EPS II (2018-19) | Power & Energy Systems Lab - I in I M.Tech.EPS I (2018) | Power System Operation and Deregulation in I M.Tech.EPS II (2018) | Advanced Power System Analysis in I M.Tech.EPS I (2018-19) | Power Systems Computation Lab-II in I M.Tech.EPS II (2019) | Power Systems Computation Lab –I in I M.Tech.EPS I (2019) | Swarm Intelligence Techniques in Power Systems in I M.Tech.EPS II (2019) | Advanced Power Systems Lab in I M.Tech.EPS I (2020-21) | Power System Dynamics in I M.Tech.EPS II (2020) | Power System Analysis in I MTech EPS I (2020) | Seminar in B.Tech. IV EEE II (2015) | Microprocessor and Interfacing Devices in B.Tech. III-EEE II (2015-16) | Micro Processor & Micro Controller Lab in B.Tech. IV EEE I (2015-16) | Utilization of Electrical Energy in B.Tech. IV EEE I (2015-16) | Comprehensive Viva-Voce in B.Tech. IV EEE II (2016-17) | Microprocessor and Interfacing Devices in B.Tech. III-EEE II (2016-17) | Microprocessors & Interfacing Devices Lab in B.Tech. III-EEE II (2016-17) | Utilization of Electrical Energy in B.Tech. IV EEE I (2016-17) | Comprehensive Viva Voce in B.Tech. IV EEE II (2017-18) | Seminar in B.Tech. IV EEE II (2017-18) | Microprocessor and Interfacing Devices in B.Tech. III-EEE II (2017-18) | Control Systems & Simulation Lab in B.Tech. III-EEE I (2017-18) | Microprocessors & Interfacing Devices Lab in B.Tech. IV EEE I (2017-18) | Utilization of Electrical Energy in B.Tech. IV EEE I (2017-18) | Project Work in B.Tech. IV EEE II (2018) | Comprehensive Viva in B.Tech. III-EEE II (2018-19) | Renewable Energy Sources in B.Tech. IV EEE II (2018) | Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Lab in B.Tech. IV EEE I (2018) | Microprocessors and Microcontrollers in B.Tech. III-EEE I (2018) | Major Project in B.Tech. IV EEE II (2019-20) | Utilization of Electric Power in B.Tech. IV EEE I (2019) | Power Systems Lab in B.Tech. III-EEE II (2019) | HVDC Transmission in B.Tech. IV-EEE I (2019-20) | Microprocessors and Microcontrollers in B.Tech. III-EEE I (2019-20) | Major Project in B.Tech. IV EEE II (2020-21) | Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Lab in B.Tech. III-EEE II (2020-21) | Microprocessors & Microcontrollers in B.Tech. III-EEE II (2020-21) | Industry Oriented Mini Project/Seminar in B.Tech. IV EEE I (2020-21) | Power System Simulation Lab in III BTech EEE I (2020) | Seminar in IV B.Tech. EEE I (2021) | Power System Simulation Lab in B.Tech. III-EEE I (2021) | HVDC Transmission in IV B.Tech. EEE I (2021-22) | Power System Lab -I in M.Tech.(EPS) II (2016) | Electrical Circuits & Simulation Lab in II -BTech. EEE II (2016-17) | Microprocessors & Interfacing Devices Lab in IV - B.Tech. EEE I (2016-17) | Seminar in I M.Tech.EPS II (2016-17) | AI Techniques in Electrical Engineering in M.Tech.EPS II (2016-17) | Advanced Power System Analysis in I M.Tech. EPS I (2016-17) | Microprocessor and Interfacing Devices in III BTech EEE II (2016-17) | Utilization of Electrical Energy in IV BTech EEE I (2016-17) | Power System Operation & Control in B.Tech. IV EEE I (2020) |
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. ISTE Secretary cum Treasuerer
, JNTUH College of Engineering,Jagtyal,Karimnagar, 2014 - Present
2. Deputy Warden
, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial, 2017 - Present
3. J Cell
, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial, 2018 - Present
Project/Research Guidance
Sonnali Vishnu Vardhan |
Meta - Heuristic Optimization Technique for MPPT of PV System |
2022 |
Toom Nithin Chandra |
Three Phase Bidirectional Converter for V2G/G2V Operation |
2022 |
Beerum Manjula |
Analysis of Multilevel Inverter with PSO Based PI Controller for Grid Connected PV System |
2022 |
Ramineni Sandeep |
Simulation Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Based MPPT Controller for Solar Photovoltaic System in comparison with ANFIS Controller |
2022 |
Diddi Ramya |
An Adaptive Control and Power Optimization of PV Battery Based Hybrid Microgrids |
2021 |
Download |
Uppunooti Soumya |
Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid Power Management by using PEM Fuel Cell and Super Capacitor |
2021 |
Palla Tejaswini |
Self Consumption Centered Performance Assessments of Solar Photo-Voltaic Microgrid for Commercial Institutions in Developing Countries |
2020 |
C Sravan Kumar |
Performance Analysis of a Grid Connected Photovoltaic System Using Homer Software |
2018 |
Vutla Vijay |
Implementation for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Optimized Solar Panel by using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Interference System |
2018 |
Bodduna Ravikanth |
Implementation of Predictive Control Scheme on Active Power Filter Performance for Non-Linear Loads |
2017 |
Nageswara Rao Y |
Active and Reactive Power Control during Unbalanced Grid Voltages in PV Systems using Fuzzy Logic |
2017 |
Jalli Deepthi |
Analysis of Stand -Alone Wind Energy Conversion System and Its Control |
2016 |
K.Sharda Shilpa |
Performance Analysis and Seasonal Modulation of Load with Grid Connected Photovoltaic System using PVsyst |
2015 |
Rachakonda Renuka |
Fuzzy Logic Control of Grid Connected Rooftop Photovoltaic System with Limited Reactive Power Conditioning |
2015 |
Sunkari Devender Reddy |
Reduction of Harmonics in a Grid Connected 1-Phase PV Inverter using PWM Technique |
2015 |
Gugulotha Praveen Kumar |
Modelling and Simulation of Hybrid Connected Grid of Non-Conventional Energy Sources |
2014 |
M.Aruna Kumari |
Short Term Electric Load Forecasting using Data Mining Technique in WEKA |
2014 |
P.Karteek Kumar |
Optimal Location of Super Conducting Fault Current Limiters (SFCL) for Smart Grid Application |
2013 |
N.Santosh Kumar |
Reduction of Harmonics Using Shunt Active Power Filter |
2013 |
K.Praveen Kumar |
Comparison of Instantaneous Active and Reactive Current and Power Theories in the case of Grid Interactive PV System using Fuzzy Logic based MPPT |
2013 |
Ravi Chander S |
Implementation of VAR Compensation at a 132P/11T/33S kV Sub Station using SVC and DSTATCOM |
2010 |
Saritha G |
Short Term Load Forecasting Using Back Propagation Networks |
2010 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
2019 |
I.Vinod |
Application of Hybrid Filter for Power Quality Improvement |
2016 |
Md.IJA |
Application of Hybrid Filter for Power Quality Improvement |
2016 |
Md.Naziya Jabeen |
Application of Hybrid Filter for Power Quality Improvement |
2016 |
Application of Hybrid Filter for Power Quality Improvement |
2016 |
Application of Hybrid Filter for Power Quality Improvement |
2016 |
Application of Hybrid Filter for Power Quality Improvement |
2016 |
Shunt Inductive Compensation by Thyristor Switched Reactor Under Flexible AC Transmission System |
2016 |
M.Vamsi |
Shunt Inductive Compensation by Thyristor Switched Reactor Under Flexible AC Transmission System |
2016 |
U.Sravani |
Shunt Inductive Compensation by Thyristor Switched Reactor Under Flexible AC Transmission System |
2016 |
V.Krishaveni |
Shunt Inductive Compensation by Thyristor Switched Reactor Under Flexible AC Transmission System |
2016 |
Mohan Loudya |
Shunt Inductive Compensation by Thyristor Switched Reactor Under Flexible AC Transmission System |
2016 |
M.Raghu |
Speed Control of DC Motor with PWM using 8051 Microcontroller |
2015 |
Speed Control of DC Motor with PWM using 8051 Microcontroller |
2015 |
Speed Control of DC Motor with PWM using 8051 Microcontroller |
2015 |
Speed Control of DC Motor with PWM using 8051 Microcontroller |
2015 |
Speed Control of A.C.Motor by Using TRIAC |
2015 |
T.Praveen |
Position control of solar Panel for improving the efficiency using DC motor |
2012 |
A.Sukesh |
Position control of solar pannel for improving the efficiency using DC motor |
2012 |
K.Ramakrishna |
Position control of solar pannel for improving the efficiency using DC motor |
2012 |
K.Vijay Bhaskar |
Position control of solar panel for improving the efficiency using DC motor |
2012 |
A.Sangeetha Yamini |
Position control of solar panel for improving the efficiency using DC motor |
2012 |
K.Krupa Soundarya |
Position control of solar panel for improving the efficiency using DC motor |
2012 |
K.Krupa Soundarya |
Position control of solar panel for improving the efficiency using DC motor |
2012 |
220 KV Switch Yard tasks and Equipment |
2011 |
220 KV Switch Yard tasks and Equipment |
2011 |
220 KV Switch Yard tasks and Equipment |
2011 |
220 KV Switch Yard tasks and Equipment |
2011 |
Study of 220 KV Switch yard |
2011 |
Study of 220 KV Switch yard |
2011 |
Study of 220 KV Switch yard |
2011 |
Study of 220 KV Switch yard |
2011 |
Countries/Foreign Universities Visited
Nanyang Technological University,Singapore,
, 10-11-2016 to 11-11-2016 International Conference |
Contact : |
Mr. Chandragiri Radhacharan
Associate Professor
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
JNTUH University College of Engineering Jagtial
Chandragiri Radha Charan, Associate Professor,
Department of EEE,
JNTUH University College of Engineering Jagtial,
Telangana State, India
Official Email:
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