Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, JNTU Hyderabad (1999-2004)
M.Tech in Power Systems, SV University Tirupathi (1989-1991)
B.Tech in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, SV University Tirupathi (1982-1986)
Professional Experience
Industrial Experience
1. Asst. Engineer (Technical), APSEB (1991 - 1992)
1. |
Professor, JNTU Hyderabad (2006 - Till Date) |
2. |
Asst. Professor & Assoc.Prof., JNTU Hyderabad (1992 - 2006) |
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1 .
Dr.NV Raman, Power System Operation & Control, M/s Pearson Education Pvt. India Ltd.,
2 .
Dr.NV Ramana, Power System Analysis, M/s Pearson Education Pvt. India Ltd.,
International Journals |
1 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Vijay Kumar, Backtracking Search Algorithm based assessment and selection of Optimal Wheeling Transactions under Deregulated Environment, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol No.29, Issue No.7, pp.12745-12754, 2020 |
2 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, T.Sreedhar, Distribution Network Reconfiguration for Loss Reduction Methodology: A Review, International Journal of Control and Automation, Vol No.13, Issue No.2s, pp.129-150, 2020 |
3 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, T.Sreedhar, Impact of Distribution Network reconfiguration and optimal capacitor placement under wheeling transactions, Mathematical Modelling of Engineering problems, Vol No.7, Issue No.1, pp.113-118, IIETA, March, 2020 |
4 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, RV Amarnath, Optimal search for an Optimal Power flow Solution Using a High Density Cluster, International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE), ISBN No.1827-6660 , Vol No.3, pp.399-409, May-June, 2019 |
5 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, A.G. Dinesh Kumar, A Wavelet based Multi Resolution Controller for Load frequency Control of Multi Area Deregulated Power System, 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Engineering Trends, Communication, Optimization and Sciences (EEECOS), June, 2016 |
6 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, L.Shanmukha Rao, Robust Utkin’s Observer Based Controller for Deregulated Hydro-Thermal LFC Problem, International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science, ISBN No.ISSN: 2319-7242, Vol No.4, Issue No.8, pp.14069-14075, August, 2015 |
7 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, N.Malla Reddy, Unit Commitment using a Hybrid Differential Evolution with Triangular Distribution Factor for Adaptive Crossover, ICGST international journal on artificial intelligence and machine learning(AMIL), Vol No.14, Issue No.1, pp.21-32, August, 2014 |
8 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Loss estimation and minimization of a three phase radial distribution system with optimal DG Placement using Bat Algorithm, International journal of Electrical Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Recent science publication, Vol No.45, pp.1480-1486, December, 2014 |
9 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, N.Malla Reddy, Detailed literature survey on different methodologies of unit commitment, Journal of theoretical and applied information technology(JATIT), Vol No.53, Issue No.3, pp.359-380, July, 2013 |
10 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, N.Malla Reddy, A Unit Commitment Solution using Differential Evolution and Economic Dispatch using Shuffled Complex Evolution with Principal Component Analysis, International review of modeling and simulation(IREMOS), Praise worthy prize., Vol No.6, Issue No.3, pp.819-833, June, 2013 |
11 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, L.Shanmukha Rao, Optimal Load Frequency Control in Two area Deregulated system with Co-Ordinated Control of SMC-TCPS,, International review of Automatic Control(IREACO), ISBN No.ISSN: 1974-6059, Vol No.6, Issue No.4, pp.472-480, July, 2013 |
12 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, L.Shanmukha Rao, Design of Robust Controller for Load Frequency Control in Deregulated Hydro-Thermal System using Sliding Mode Controlled strategies, International journal on modelling and simulation (IREMOS), ISBN No.ISSN: 1974-9821,e-ISSN: 1974-983X, Vol No.6, Issue No.3, pp.893-902, June, 2013 |
13 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, A Fast Computational Technique to Trace V-Q Curve Using Broyden-Shaman ski Method, International Review on Modeling and Simulations, Vol No.4, February, 2013 |
14 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Loss estimation: A Load factor method, ACEEE International Journal on Electrical and Power Engineering, Vol No.4, pp.9-15, February, 2013 |
15 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Design of sliding mode observer based optimal controller for load frequency control in multi-area deregulated thermal system, International journal on Modelling and simulation, Vol No.6, pp.542-553, April, 2013 |
16 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Design Of Robust Controller Load Frequency Control in Deregulated Hydro- Thermal System Using Sliding Mode Controlled Strategies, International Review On Modelling and Simulations, Vol No.6, pp.893-902, June, 2013 |
17 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, A Unit Commitment Solution Using Differential Evolution and Economic Dispatch Using Shuffled Complex Evolution With principal component analysis, International Review of Modeling and Simulation(IREMOS), Vol No.6, pp.542-553, June, 2013 |
18 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Detailed Literature Survey on Different Methodologies of unit commit, Journal of theoretical and applied information technology(JATIT), Vol No.53, pp.359-380, July, 2013 |
19 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, State Of Art For Network Reconfiguration Methodologies of Distribution System, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol No.57, pp.25-40, November, 2013 |
20 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Fuzzy Adoptive PSO Algorithm for Network Reconfiguration of Distribution System, International Journal on Numerical and Analytical methods in Engineering, Vol No.1, pp.194-200, August, 2013 |
21 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Design of a new discrete sliding mode optimal controller for load frequency in multi-area Deregulated power system, International Review on modeling and simulations, Vol No.6, August, 2013 |
22 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Design and Development of modified PSO algorithm for Network reconfiguration, International Review Of Electrical Engineering, Vol No.13, Sep.-Oct, 2013 |
23 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Cluster in Based Load flow for three phase unbalanced distribution system with voltage sensitive component models, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering , Vol No.13, 2013 |
24 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Global Optimal Solution for Network Reconfiguration problem Using AMPSO Algorithm, POWERCON-2012, Held In Auckland, NZ., Oct 30th-Nov 2nd, 2012 |
25 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, K.Chandra Shekar, Performance comparison of GA, DE, PSO and SA approaches in enhancement of TTC using FACTS devices, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology- KIEE-Korea JCR, Thomson Reuters , ISBN No.ISSN 1975-0102, Vol No.7, Issue No.4, pp.493-500, July, 2012 |
26 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, L.Shanmukha Rao, Improvement of Dynamic Performance of three area Hydro-Thermal system interconnected with AC-tie line parallel with HVDC link in deregulated environment, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, (IJAET), ISBN No.ISSN: 2231-1963, Vol No.4, Issue No.1, pp.183-191, July, 2012 |
27 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, L.Shanmukha Rao, “Recent Philosophies of AGC of a Hydro-Thermal system in deregulated environment”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, (IJAET), ISBN No.ISSN Code:2231-1963, Vol No.2, Issue No.1, pp.282-288, January, 2012 |
28 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Recent Philosophies of AGC of A Hydro –Thermal System in Deregulated Environment, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Vol No.2, January, 2012 |
29 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, FDR Particle Swarm Algorithm for Network Reconfiguration of Distribution Systems, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology , Vol No.36, February, 2012 |
30 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Multi Objective FDR Particle Swarm Algorithm For Network Reconfiguration of Distribution Systems, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol No.37, March, 2012 |
31 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Design of Optimal Reduced Order Observer for Load Frequency Control in Deregulate Environment interconnected with HVDC Line, Journal on Electrical Engineering, Vol No.51, April/June, 2012 |
32 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Improvement of Dynamic Performance of Three Area Hydro-Thermal System Inter connected with AC – TIE Line Parallel with HVDC Link in Deregulated Environment, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Vol No.4, July, 2012 |
33 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Design of Optimal sliding mode functional observer for load frequency control in multi-area deregulated thermal system, International journal on Modelling and simulation, Vol No.5, pp.2532-2545, December, 2012 |
34 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, K.Chandra Shekar, A fast computational technique to trace V-Q curve using Broyden – Shamanski method, International Review on Modelling and Simulation-Italy, ISBN No.ISSN 1974-9821, Vol No.4, Issue No.1, pp.249-254, February, 2011 |
35 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, K.Chandra Shekar, A fast computational technique to assess Total Transfer Capability using Broyden- Shamanski method, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering- USA, ISBN No.ISSN 0974-5861, Vol No.11, Issue No.5, pp.13-19, July, 2011 |
36 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, K.Chandra Shekar, Fast and Efficient method to assess and enhance Total Transfer Capability in presence of FACTS devices, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology-India GEI value - 1.59, ISBN No.ISSN 2231-1963, Vol No.1, Issue No.5, pp.170-180, November, 2011 |
37 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, K.Chandra Shekar, Performance comparison of DE, PSO and GA in TPL minimization using FACTS, International Journal of Computer Applications,-USA, ISBN No.ISSN 0975-8887, Vol No.33, Issue No.5, pp.59-62, November, 2011 |
38 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, K.Chandra Shekar, Improving Reactive Power Margin for Voltage Stability enhancement using FACTS devices, International Review on Modelling and Simulation- Italy, ISBN No.ISSN 1974-9821, Vol No.4, Issue No.6, pp.3090-3097, December, 2011 |
39 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Performance comparison of GA, DE , PSO and SA approaches in enhancement of Total Transfer Capability using FACTS devices, Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Vol No.6, 2011 |
40 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, A fast computational Technique to Assess Total Transfer Capability using Broyden-Shaman ski Method, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering Electrical and Electronically Engineering, Vol No.11, July, 2011 |
41 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Improvement of Dynamic performance of Three Area Thermal System Under Deregulated Environment Using HVDC Link, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Vol No.1, September, 2011 |
42 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Fast and Efficient Method to Assess and Enhance Total Transfer Capability in Presence of Facts Device, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Vol No.1, November, 2011 |
43 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Clustered Based ACDC Algorithm for large scale unit commitment solution, International Review of Electrical Engineering(IREE), Vol No.4, pp.1084-1092, August, 2011 |
44 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, State Of Art In Optimal Power Flow solution Methodologies, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol No.30, pp.128-154, November, 2011 |
45 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Performance comparison of DE,PSO and GA approaches in Transmission Power Loss minimization using FACTS Devices, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol No.33, November, 2011 |
46 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, N.Malla Reddy, Clustered based ACDC algorithm for large scale Unit Comiitment solution, International review of electrical engineering(IREE), Vol No.4, Issue No.5, pp.1084-1092, Sep.-Oct, 2009 |
47 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Observer based intelligent controllers for a multi- machine power system, International journal of Electrical analysis, Vol No.3, 2009 |
48 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Optimal Search For an Optimal Power flow solution using a high Density Cluster, International Review Of Electrical Engineering, Vol No.4, pp.399-409, May/June, 2009 |
49 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Unit Commitment Solution Using Agglomerative and Divisive Cluster Algorithm-An Effective New Methodology, Power and Energy Systems (Asia PES 2008) Langkawi, Malasia., 2nd-4th April, 2008 |
50 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, RV Amarnath, Genetic Search for an Optimal Power Flow Solution from a High Density Cluster, April, 2008 |
51 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm to mitigate the Composite problem of Total Transfer Capacity, Voltage Stability and Transmission Loss Minimization., 2007 39th North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2007) , 2007 |
52 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Multi Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm to mitigate the Composite problem of Total Transfer Capacity, Voltage Stability and Transmission Loss Minimization., 2007 39th North American Power Symposium, New Mexico State University Las Cruces ,New Mexico., 30thSEP-2nd OCT, 2007 |
53 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Improving Reactive Power Margin for Voltage Stability Enhancement using FACTS devices, International Review of Electrical Engineering, Vol No.4, January, 2007 |
54 . |
Linearization of multi-machine power system: modeling and control-A survey, International journal of emerging Electric power systems, Vol No.29, 2007 |
55 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Linearisation of multi-machine power system model and control- A survey, Elsevier International Journal of Electrical power and energy systems, Vol No.29, pp.297-311, 2007 |
56 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Sliding mode observer based intelligent controller for transient stability of multi-machine power system, Journal of current sciences, Vol No.13, 2007 |
57 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, SMO Based Fuzzy Logic Controller for Multi-Machine Power Systems., Sheraton Wall Center Hotel, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada., 16th-21st JULY, 2006 |
58 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Damping Sub Synchronous Oscillations-A and Intelligent Approach., IPEC2005 The 7th International Power Engineering Conference, MARINA MANDARIN HOTEL, SINGAPORE., 29 th NOV-2nd DEC, 2005 |
59 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, RV Amarnath, Genetic Search for an Optimal Power Flow Solution from a High Density Cluster, Proceedings of International Conference on Power and Energy System conducted by IASTED, Canada at Langkawi, Malaysia, ISBN No.606-104, April, 2004 |
60 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, A.G. Dinesh Kumar , A Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for AGC of Multi Area Deregulated Power System, International Journal of Electronics Engineering Research, ISBN No.0975-6450, Vol No.9, Issue No.7(2017), pp.1079-1094 |
61 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, A.G. Dinesh Kumar, Integrating SSSC with Variable Structure Observer based Optimal Controller for Damping Frequency Oscillations of Deregulated Power System, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.0973-4562, Vol No.12, Issue No.14(2017), pp.4191-4198 |
62 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, RV Amarnath, State of Art in Optimal Power Flow Solution Methodologies, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology(JATIT), ISBN No.1992-8645 |
63 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, T.Murali Krishna, Loss Estimation: A Load Factor Method, ACEEE International Journal on Electrical and Power Engineering, Issue No.9, pp.15 |
64 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, T.Murali Krishna, Clustering based Load Flow for Three Phase Unbalanced Distribution System with Voltage Sensitive Component Models, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering, Issue No.10, pp.18 |
65 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, T.Murali Krishna, Loss Estimation and Minimization of a Three-phase Radial Distribution System with Optimal DG Placement using Bat Algorithm, International Journal of Electrical Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Recent Science Publication, pp.1480-1486 |
66 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, A Review on control strategies for LFC in Deregulated scenario, Journal on circuits and systems, Vol No.1, December 2012 |
67 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, Unit Commitment using a Hybrid Differential Evolution with Triangular Distribution Factor for Adaptive Crossover, ICGST International journal on Artificial Intelligence and machine Learning(AMIL) |
National Journals |
International Conference |
1 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, A.G. Dinesh Kumar, A Neuro Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for Load Frequency Problem in Deregulated Environment for Multi Area Power System, 7th IEEE Power India International Conference (PIICON), November, 2016 |
2 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Design of Reduced Order Observer Based Optimal Controller For Deregulated Hydro-Thermal System, ICRDPET 2013, Jan, 2013 |
3 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, A Novel Algorithm for the loss estimation and minimization of radial distribution system with distributed Generation, IEEE International conference on energy efficient technologies for sustainability, 10-12 April , 2013 |
4 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Load Frequency Control in multi-area Hydro-Thermal Deregulated system using sliding mode Optimal controller, IEEE-International conference on Control, Computing, Communication and materials, Aug, 2013 |
5 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Load Frequency Control in multi-area Hydro-Thermal Deregulated system using sliding mode Observer, IEEE-International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and materials, Aug, 2013 |
6 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Design of Discrete Sliding Mode Observer based Optimal Controller for Load Frequency Control in Multi Area Deregulated Power System, International Review of Modelling and Simulations, Aug, 2013 |
7 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Estimation and minimization of a three phase unbalanced distribution system losses with distributed generation using genetic algorithm, International conference on smart systems, 7-8 Oct, 2013 |
8 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, A.G. Dinesh Kumar, Design of Discrete Sliding Mode Observer based Optimal Controller for Load Frequency Control in Multi Area Deregulated Power System, International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials (ICCCCM- 2013), August, 2013 |
9 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, T.Murali Krishna, A Novel Algorithm for the Loss Estimation and Minimization of Radial Distribution System with Distributed Generation, IEEE International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability (ICEETS’13), pp.1289-1293, 2013 |
10 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, T.Murali Krishna, Estimation and Minimization of a Three Phase Unbalanced Distribution System Losses with Distributed Generation Using Genetic Algorithm, International Conference On “Smart Systems” J. B. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad (ICSS-2013), pp.240-244, 2013 |
11 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, L.Shanmukha Rao, Design of Reduced Order Observer Based Optimal Controller for Deregulated Hydro-Thermal System, IEEE-International Conference on Research and Development Prospects on Engineering and Technology (ICRDPET 2013) EGS Pillai Engineering College,Nagapattanam, ISBN No.978-1-4673-4948-2, Vol No.2, pp.219-224, March 29 & 30, 2013 |
12 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, L.Shanmukha Rao, Load Frequency Control in Multi Area Hydro-Thermal Deregulated System Using Sliding Mode Optimal Controller, International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials (ICCCCM),Asian Institute of Technology (AIT),United Institute of Technology, Allahabad, ISBN No.978-1-4799-1375-6/13, Issue No.144, 3-4 August , 2013 |
13 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Energy loss estimation: A mathematical approach, Third International Conference on control, communication and power engineering, 27,28-april , 2012 |
14 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Estimation and minimization of Distribution system losses with Distributed generation using fuzzy logic, International conference on Electrical engineering and computer science, 5-may , 2012 |
15 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Power flow algorithm for radial Distribution system with voltage sensitive loads, IEEE International Conference, 7-9 December , 2012 |
16 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Design of Optimal Sliding Mode Functional Observer for Load Frequency Control in Multi- Area Deregulated Thermal System., International Journal On Modeling and Simulation (IREMOS), Dec, 2012 |
17 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Design of Optimal Sliding Mode Functional Observer for Load Frequency Control in Multi- Area Deregulated Thermal System, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical Engineering and Energy Management (ICETEEEM-2012), Dec, 2012 |
18 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, LFC Scheme for Multi Area Deregulated Power system Connected with HVDC Link, 2012 IEEE International Conference On Power Electronics, Drives and Energy , 16th-19th Dec, 2012 |
19 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, LFC Scheme for Multi Area Deregulated Power system Connected with HVDC Link, LFC Scheme for Multi Area Deregulated Power system Connected with HVDC Link.y , 16th-19th Dec, 2012 |
20 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, T.Murali Krishna, Estimation and Minimization of Distribution System Losses with Distributed Generation using Fuzzy Logic, International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ICEECS-2012, pp.99-103, 2012 |
21 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, T.Murali Krishna, Power Flow Algorithm for Radial Distribution System with Voltage Sensitive Loads, IEEE International Conference, INDICON 2012, pp.1069-1071, 2012 |
22 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, L.Shanmukha Rao, LFC Scheme for Multi Area Deregulated Power System Connected with HVDC Link, IEEE-International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES) IISC Bengaluru, ISBN No.978-1-4673-4508-8/12, Vol No.2, pp.1-6, 16-19 December, 2012 |
23 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Load Frequency Control in a Multi Area Power System Interconnected with HVDC link in a Deregulated Environment using Optimal Full Order Observer., DRDO Sponsored Eighth Control Instrumentation System Conference, CISCON-2011., 2011 |
24 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Improvement of Dynamic Performance of Three Area Thermal System Under Deregulated Environment Using AC Tie line parallel with HVDC Links., International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology (IJAET) ., ISBN No.ISSN Code: 2231-1963., 2011 |
25 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, N.Malla Reddy, Unit commitment solution using Agglomerative and Divisive cluster algorithms-an effective new methodology, Proc. IASTED international conference on power and energy systems. langkawi, malaysia, pp.173-179, April, 2008 |
26 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Genetic Search for an Optimal power flow solution from a high density cluster, International review of Electrical Engineering, Feb, 2007 |
27 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, K. Chandra Shekar, Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm to mitigate the composite problem of Total Transfer Capacity, Voltage Stability and Transmission Loss Minimization, IEEE 39th NAPS, New Mexico State University, New Mexico, USA, pp.670-675, October, 2007 |
28 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Conventional Methodologies for Modeling A Multi-Machine Power System., SCIENCE CITY, KOLKATA., Jan, 2005 |
29 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Intelligent Control of Multi-Machine Power Systems-A Solution To Modeling Difficulties., 2005 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference & Exhibition: Asia and Pacific, Dalian, China, 14th -18th AUG, 2005 |
30 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Control strategies for transient stability of multi-machine power systems, 2004 IEEE international conference on power system technology - POWERCON 2004, held in Singapore, 21-24 Nov, 2004 |
31 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, T.Murali Krishna, Energy Loss Estimation: A Mathematical Approach, Third International Conference on Control, Communication and Power Engineering, CCPE 2012, pp.292-297 |
32 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, L.Shanmukha Rao, Load Frequency Control in Multi Area Hydro-Thermal Deregulated System Using Sliding Mode Observer, International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials (ICCCCM),Asian Institute of Technology (AIT),United Institute of Technology, Allahabad, ISBN No.978-1-4799-1375-6/13, Issue No.146 |
National Conference |
1 . |
Dr.NV Ramana, RV Amarnath, Fuzzy Logic Control, Converging Technologies, Jyothishmati College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, February, 2007 |
2 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Design of a Composite Adaptive Power System Stabilizer for Effective Enhancement of Power System Dynamic Stability, EAR-205,JNTU college of Engineering, Anantapur-515002, A.P, 2005 |
3 . |
Dr.N.V.Ramana, Intelligent Solution to Power System Problems, EAR-205,JNTU College Of Engineering, Anantapur-515002, A.P., 2005 |
Workshop |
Events Participated/Organized
Organized |
Organized a Refresher Course on “Simulation tools for Electrical Engineering applications”, Academic Staff College, JNTU, Hyderabad, 10-02-2003 to 01-03-2003 |
Organized a Symposium on Student Level National Symposium, Vidyuth Vikas-2011, JNTUH CEJ, |
Organized a Symposium on Student Level National Symposium, Vidyuth Vikas-2012, JNTUH CEM, |
Organized a Symposium on Student Level National Symposium, Vidyuth Vikas-2015, JNTUH CEJ, |
Organized a Workshop on “Theory and Practice of Power System Studies”, JNTUH CEJ, |
Organized a Symposium on student Level National Symposium,Vidyuth Vikas-2016, JNTUH CEJ, |
Honors & Professional Activities
Best Professor for Electrical & Electronics Engineering in Telangana, Prime time awards, Global Education excellence awards, 2016
Professional Activities
Fellow of Institution of Engineers (INDIA)
Life member of ISTE |
Basic Electrical Engineering in EEE, CSE & IT B.Tech I/I (2018-19) | Power System Analysis in EEE B.Tech III/II (2018-19) |
Adminstrative Positions Held
, JNTUH CEJ, 2015 - Present
2. HOD, Dept. of EEE
, JNTUH CEJ, 2009 - 2012
3. Vice-Principal
, JNTUH CEJ, 2008 - 2009
4. Dy. Warden
, JNTUH CEH, 1993 - 1996
Project/Research Guidance
A Ganga Dinesh Kumar |
Design of variable structure observer based optimal controller for the Automatic Generation Control in a Deregulated Environment |
2019 |
L.Shanmukha Rao |
Robust observer based controller for hydro and thermal automatic generation control |
2016 |
T. Murali Krishna |
Development of a novel algorithm for the estimation of energy losses. |
2016 |
Nomula Malla Reddy |
Design and Development New evolutionary algorithms for unit commitment problem |
2015 |
T. Anil Kumar |
Design of a Controller for Optimal Load Frequency Control of Multi Area Power System in a Deregulated Environment |
2015 |
K. Chandra Shekar |
Optimization of Power System Reactive Power Resources using a hybrid Ant Directed Genetic Algorithm |
2013 |
R. Amarnath |
Design and Development of Cluster Algorithms for Power System Problems |
2012 |
Countries/Foreign Universities Visited
Nanyang Techonological University,
, 10-11-2004 to 10-11-2004 Paper Presentation |
Virginia Tech University,
Academic Meeting with Professors |
Georgia Institute Technology,
Atlanta, USA
, 19-06-2007 to 20-06-2007 Academic Meeting with Professors |
New Mexico State University,
Las Crusus, USA
, 16-06-2007 to 17-06-2007 Paper Presentation |