Research Projects
Recognition of Unconstrained Handwritten Characters of Telugu Script, funded by UGC funded Major Research Project - 8.96 Lakhs (2009 - 2012)
Named Entity Error Detection on English-Telugu cross lingual Text, funded by Ministry of IT, A.P - 4.96 LAKHS (2016 - 2009)
1 .
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, AUTOMATIC MACHINE RECOGNITION OF FEATURES AND SENTIMENTS FROM ONLINE REVIEWS, IAENG Transactions on Engineering Sciences : pp. 264-280, (doi: 10.1142/9789813142725_0021) , 2016
International Journals |
1 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Understanding document semantics from summaries – A case study on Hindi texts, ACM Transactions on Asian Language and Information Processing,(TALIP) 2016, Manuscript In Press, Dec, 2016 |
2 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Including Category Information as Supplements in Latent Semantic Analysis of Hindi Documents, INDERSCIENCE International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 2015, Manuscript In Press., November, 2016 |
3 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Holoentropy Based Dynamic Semantic Latent Dirichilet Allocation for Topic Extraction, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , ISBN No.ISSN 0973-4562 , Vol No.11, Issue No.2, pp.1304-1313, Research India Publications, JULY, 2016 |
4 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, PROO ontology development for learning feature specific sentiment relationship rules on reviews categorisation: a semantic data mining approach, INDERSCIENCE, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, Vol No.11, Issue No.1, pp.29-38, Inderscience Publisher, JULY, 2016 |
5 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Semantic latent dirichlet allocation for automatic topic extraction, Taylor and Francis Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, ISBN No. pp. 449–469 DOI : 10.1080/02522667.2016.1165000 ISSN: 0252-2667 (Print) 2169-0103 (Online) ? , Vol No.37, Issue No.3, pp.449-469, Taru Publications, August, 2016 |
6 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, CROP YIELD PREDICTION USING WEIGHT BASED CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, ISBN No. ISSN 2321-3469 , Vol No.9, Issue No.4, pp.95-102, April, 2015 |
7 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Influence of Supplementary Information on the Semantic Structure of Documents, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, pp.219-225, 2015 |
8 . |
9 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, ANALYSIS OF CROP YIELD PREDICTION USING DATA MINING TECHNIQUES, IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology, ISBN No.eISSN: 2319-1163 | p ISSN: 2321-7308, Vol No.4, Issue No.1, pp.470-473, January, 2015 |
10 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Influence of domain information onLatent Semantic Analysis of Hindi text, International Journal of Computer Science information and Engg., Technologies , ISBN No.ISSN 2277-4408 || 01072014-014 , Vol No.2, Issue No.4, pp.1-4, May, 2015 |
11 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Influence of Supplementary Information on Latent Semantic Analysis, Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, 2015 INDERSCIENCE (SCOPUS INDEXED), March, 2015 |
12 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Capturing the semantic structure of documents using summaries in Supplemented Latent Semantic Analysis, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMPUTERS (SCOPUS INDEXED)(Open Access), ISBN No.E ISSN: 2224-2872 Volume 14, 2015 , Vol No.14, Issue No.1, pp.314-323, March, 2015 |
13 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Influence of machine learning techniques on Authorship attribution for Telugu text features, " International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) , ISBN No. ISSN: 2278 – 1323 , Vol No.3, Issue No.11, pp.3633-3640, November , 2014 |
14 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Density Based Clustering Technique on Crop Yield Prediction", International Conference on Advances in Electronics Engineering Held at Singapur, Vol No.2, pp.56-59, February, 2014 |
15 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Survey of Dimensionality Reduction and Mining Techniques on Scientific Data, " International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology (IJCSET), ISBN No.Vol. 5 No. 11 , Vol No.5, Issue No.11, pp.1062-1066, November, 2014 |
16 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Density Based Clustering Technique on Crop Yield Prediction, International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISBN No.Volume 2, Issue 1, Ma, Vol No.2, Issue No.1, pp.56-59, March, 2014 |
17 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, A Hybrid Cryptosystem using variable length sub key groups and byte substitution, Journal of Computer Science (JCS), ISBN No. pp:251-254, 2014 (SCOPUS INDEXED), Vol No.10, Issue No.2, pp.251-254, Dec, 2014 |
18 . |
B.Vishnu Vardhan, Region Specific Crop Yield Analysis - A Data Mining Approach, UACEE International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Its Applications, ISBN No. , Vol No.3, Issue No.2, pp.77-80, June, 2013 |
19 . |
B.Vishnu Vardhan, Text Classification using Text Summarization– A case study on Telugu Text, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE) , ISBN No.ISSN: 2277 128X , Vol No.3, Issue No.7, pp.1399-1403, July, 2013 |
20 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Mixed Approach for Hindi News Article Gist Generation, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE) , ISBN No.Volume 3, Issue 8, , Vol No.3, Issue No.11, pp.900-906, August, 2013 |
21 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Data Mining Techniques and Applications to Agricultural Yield Data, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, ISBN No. 3477 - 3480., Vol No.2, Issue No.9, pp.3477-3480, September, 2013 |
22 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, A STATISTICAL MODEL FOR GIST GENERATION: A CASE STUDY ON HINDI NEWS ARTICLE, International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process (IJDKP), Vol No.3, Issue No.5, pp.15-23, September, 2013 |
23 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Generalized affine transformation based on circulant matrices, Generalized affine transformation based on circulant matrices, Vol No.3, Issue No.5, pp.159-165, September, 2012 |
24 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Analysis of BMW model for title word selection on Indic scripts, International Journal of Computer Application (IJCA) , Issue No.8, pp.21-25, MARCH, 2011 |
25 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Statistical translation based Headline generation for Telugu, International Journal of Computer Science and network security (IJCSNs), Vol No.11, Issue No.6, pp.295-299, JUNE, 2011 |
26 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, B.Vishnu Vardhan, Statistical translation based Headline generation for Telugu, International Journal of Computer Science and network security , Vol No.11, Issue No.6, pp.295-299, June, 2011 |
27 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Effect of Language Complexity on Deciphering Substitution Ciphers - A Case Study on Telugu, International Journal of Security and Its Applications IJSIA , Vol No.4, Issue No.1, pp.11-20, JANUARY, 2010 |
28 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, A Noval Security Model for Indic Scripts - A Case Study on Telugu, International Journal of Computer Science and Security, (IJCSS) , Vol No.3, Issue No.4, pp.303-313, MARCH, 2009 |
29 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Decision support systems in improving the performance of rocket missile systems, Atti della fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, ISBN No.0015-606X, Vol No.18, Issue No.5, pp.607-615, NOVEMBER, 2008 |
30 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Telugu Document Classification using Bayes Probabilistic Model, Technology Spectrum, Journal of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Vol No.2, Issue No.1, pp.26-30, Technology Spectrum, MARCH, 2008 |
31 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Impact of dimensionality reduction on the categorization of phonetic based language documents- A case study on Telugu, Geetham journal of Information and Communication, Vol No.1, Issue No.1, pp.93-98, DECEMBER, 2008 |
32 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, A Model for Overlapping Trigram technique for Telugu Script, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, ISBN No.1992-8645 1817-3195, Vol No.3, Issue No.3, pp.9-14, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, SEP, 2007 |
National Journals |
1 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Pipe Data compression Techniques in E-learning, Georgian Electronic Science Journal , ISBN No. 3-8., Vol No.10, Issue No.3, pp.3-8, September, 2006 |
2 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Web and Network Communication security Algorithms, I-Managers Journal of Software Engineering , Vol No.1, Issue No.1, pp.12-14, sep, 2006 |
International Conference |
1 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Influence of Token Similarity Measures for Semantic Textual Similarity, IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing 2016 (IACC), pp.41-44, February, 2016 |
2 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Key Distribution Protocols: A Survey, IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing 2016 (IACC), pp.556-562, IEEE Computer Society , February, 2016 |
3 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Comparative Study of Feature Subset Selection Methods for Dimensionality Reduction on Scientific Data, IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing 2016 (IACC), pp.31-34, IEEE Computer Society , February, 2016 |
4 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Extracting product features from reviews using feature ontology tree applied on LDA topic clusters, IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing 2016 (IACC), pp.163-168, IEEE Computer Society , February, 2016 |
5 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Feature and Sentiment based Linked Instance RDF Data towards Ontology based Review Categorization, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2015 Vol I, WCE 2015 London, U.K., pp.1-5, July, 2015 |
6 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Empirical Evaluations Using Character and Word N-Grams on Authorship Attribution for Telugu Text, Intelligent Computing and Applications Proceedings of the International Conference on ICA, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing , Vol No.343, pp.613-623, Springer International Publishing, December, 2015 |
7 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, The Probabilistic Encryption Algorithm Using Linear Transformation, Emerging ICT for Bridging the Future ? Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, ISBN No.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13731-5_42,, Vol No.2, pp.389-395, Springer International Publishing , 2015 |
8 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Latent Dirichlet Allocation Based Multilevel Classification, IEEE International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies, ICCICCT, pp.1117-1120, 2014 |
9 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Variant Nearest Neighbor Classification Algorithm for Text Document, ICT and Critical Infrastructure: Proceedings of the 48th Annual Convention of CSI - Volume II, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, pp.243-251, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014 |
10 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Crop Yield Analysis using Data Mining Technique, International Conference on Advanced Computing Methodologies, pp.82-85, August, 2013 |
11 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, An Empirical Evaluation of Dimensionality reduction using Latent Semantic Analysis on Hindi Text, International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP) , pp.21-24, IEEE Computer Society , 2013 |
12 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, A Modified Hill Cipher Based on Circulant Matrices, ELSEVIER Procedia technology C3IT 2012, pp.114-118, 2012 |
13 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, An Enhanced Probabilistic Encryption Algorithm for Secured Data Transmission, Global Trends in Computing and Communication Systems Volume 269 of the series Communications in Computer and Information Scienc, Vol No.269, pp.284-290, Springer Verilog, 2012 |
14 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Corpus based Extractive summarization for Indic script, International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP) IEEE Computer Society (IALP 2011) , pp.154-157, 2011 |
15 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Approaches of Dimensionality Reduction for Telugu Document Classification, International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP) IEEE Computer Society, pp.259-264, 2009 |
16 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Analysis of Text Complexity in a Crypto System -A case study on Telugu, The International Conference on Security Technology (SecTech 2009) , Springer- verilog, pp.281-288, 2009 |
17 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, N-gram Based Document Classification of Phonetic Based Languages - A Case Study on Telugu Script, International Conference On RF and Processing Systems RSPS -2008 KLCE Vijayawada., Vol No.1, February, 2008 |
18 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Analysis of N-gram model on Telugu Document Classification, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2008)Hong Kong, Vol No.1, Issue No.6, pp.3198-3202, June, 2008 |
19 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Document Categorization Using Trigram Technique – A model for Telugu Script, Proceedings of International Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics(ICSCI 2007), Vol No.1, pp.883-887, January, 2007 |
National Conference |
1 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Utility and analysis of some encryption algorithms in E-learning environment, National conference on dynamic interoperable web based information systems , February, 2006 |
2 . |
B.VISHNU VARDHAN, Pipeline Data Compression, National Conference on Emerging E-paradigms CST Ongole, February, 2006 |
Workshop |
Events Participated/Organized
Organized |
Organized a Workshop on E learning Empowerment for rural youth, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagityal, 24-05-2011 to 28-05-2011 |
Organized a Workshop on Free and Open Source Softwares, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagityal, 19-08-2010 |
Organized a Refresher Course on OOAD with UML, Indur Institute of Engineering and Technology, 28-06-2010 to 11-07-2011 |
Organized a Workshop on E swecha, JNTU Hyderabad, 30-01-2009 to 31-01-2009 |
Organized a Training on GNU/Linux, Indur Institute of Engineering and Technology, 16-05-2008 to 30-05-2008 |
Co-ordinated |
12. |
Coordinated for a Conference on National Conference for Academics and Research NCAR 2010, Mahindra Satyam learning Center, bahadurpally Hyderabad, 16-12-2010 to 18-12-2010 |
Resource Person |
1. |
Resource Person in a Training on Basics of Networking, Embedded Systems and its applications at Research Centre Imarat (RCI) Hyderabad, 16-06-2014 to 20-06-2014 |
2. |
Resource Person in a Refresher Course on Software Engineering and Design Patterns, UGC- Academic Staff College JNTU Hyderabad, 03-03-2014 to 22-03-2014 |
3. |
Resource Person in a Refresher Course on Open Source Software for embedded systems development, UGC- Academic Staff College JNTU Hyderabad, 25-02-2013 to 16-03-2013 |
4. |
Resource Person in a Refresher Course on Software Engineering & Design Patterns, UGC- Academic Staff College JNTU Hyderabad, 18-07-2011 to 06-08-2011 |
5. |
Resource Person in a Refresher Course on Recent Advances in Computing, UGC- Academic Staff College JNTU Hyderabad, 30-05-2011 to 18-06-2011 |
6. |
Resource Person in a Refresher Course on File Hierarchy standards, UGC- Academic Staff College JNTU Hyderabad, 14-02-2011 to 08-03-2011 |
7. |
Resource Person in a Workshop on Computing freedom Engineering Education A Free Software Perspective, Gudlavalleru College of Engineering Gudlavalleru, 11-12-2010 |
8. |
Resource Person in a Workshop on Computing freedom Engineering Education A Free Software Perspective, Vivekananda Institute of Engg. College, Karimnagar, 08-12-2010 |
9. |
Resource Person in a Workshop on Computing freedom Engineering Education A Free Software Perspective, KLR Engg. Tech Palvancha, Khammam, 04-12-2010 |
10. |
Resource Person in a Workshop on Computing freedom Engineering Education A Free Software Perspective, Turbo Machinery Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, 30-11-2010 |
11. |
Resource Person in a Workshop on Computing freedom Engineering Education A Free Software Perspective, BV SR Engg College Chimakurthy, 18-10-2010 |
12. |
Resource Person in a Refresher Course on Advanced Trends in Web Mining and Data Warehousing, UGC- Academic Staff College JNTU Hyderabad, 18-10-2010 to 08-11-2010 |
13. |
Resource Person in a Workshop on GNU/Linux –Operating System, Vaagdevi Institute of Technology & Science, Proddutur, 13-03-2009 |
14. |
Resource Person in a Workshop on Free software-A Research perspective, Department of CSE, JNTU Ananthapur, 12-03-2009 |
15. |
Resource Person in a Refresher Course on Data mining and data warehousing Techniques, UGC- Academic Staff College JNTU Hyderabad, 02-11-2008 to 03-01-2008 |
16. |
Resource Person in a Refresher Course on FOSS-An Academic and Research perspective, UGC- Academic Staff College JNTU Hyderabad, 25-08-2008 to 16-09-2008 |
17. |
Resource Person in a Workshop on Academic and Industry perspective using GNU/LINUX, TKR College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, 12-03-2008 to 13-03-2008 |
Participated |
1. |
Participated in a Workshop on Bigdata Analytics, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagityal, 14-12-2015 to 20-12-2015 |
2. |
Participated in a Workshop on Network simulation using NS2, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagityal, 05-03-2014 to 07-03-2014 |
3. |
Participated in a Workshop on Outcome based Education, School of Information Technology, JNTUH, 26-10-2013 |
4. |
Participated in a Workshop on Work shop on Image and Speech Processing WISP 2011, International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Hyderabad, 17-11-2011 |
5. |
Participated in a Workshop on Work shop on Image and Speech Processing WISP 2009, International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Hyderabad, 19-11-2009 |
6. |
Participated in a Conference on National conference on free software, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi, 15-11-2008 to 16-11-2008 |
7. |
Participated in a Workshop on Oracle 10g training, Oracle Corporation Madhapur Hyderabad, 05-02-2007 to 10-02-2007 |
8. |
Participated in a Workshop on NLP & Localization using Free software, JNTU Hyderabad, 04-01-2007 |
9. |
Participated in a Workshop on Free software a career and Academic and research perspective, JNTU Hyderabad, 02-04-2006 to 03-04-2006 |
10. |
Participated in a Workshop on FOSS-an Academic and research perspective, UGC-Academic Staff College JNTU, 26-03-2006 to 30-03-2006 |
11. |
Participated in a Workshop on Learning and standards: The challenges of change, Indur Institute of Engineering and Technology, 21-03-2006 |
12. |
Participated in a Seminar on IEEE student congress, IETE Auditorium Osmania University by IEEE Hyderabad chapter, 19-03-2005 to 20-03-2005 |
13. |
Participated in a Workshop on Unix programming, GRIET, Hyderabad, 09-12-2004 to 11-12-2004 |
14. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Net work programming, UGC-Academic Staff College JNTU, 29-10-2003 to 18-11-2003 |
15. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Internetworking, JNTU College of Engineering, 21-01-2002 to 02-02-2002 |
16. |
Participated in a Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights-Academic and Technological dimensions(An Indian Perspective), JNTU Hyderabad, to 11-01-2006 |
Professional Activities
Member, Board of Studies for JNTUH and JNTUK during 2015-2016. Involved in implementing CBCS in JNTUH and JNTUK during 2015-16. |
Chairman Board Of Studies for Computer Science at Satavahana University Karimnagar from the academic year 2014-2016. And acted as a member during 2012-2014. |
Technical board member in International Conference on Advances in Electronics Engineering, ICAEE 2015, South korea. |
Technical board member for Third International Conference on Information Theory (IT - 2014) Pune |
Technical board member for Third International Conference on Signal, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition ( SPPR 2014 )Chennai. |
Editorial and Technical board member for International Conference of Managing Information Technology (CMIT-2014)Zurich, Switzerland.
Chaired a session in “National Conference on Computing Communication and Instrumentation (NCCCI-2012) on 22nd December 2012 at Gitam School of Technology, Gitam University Hyderabad. |
Chaired a session in the track Computer Science Engineering in “National Conference on Information Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE-2013) on 19th July 2013 at Mallareddy Engineering College, Hyderabad. |
Chaired a session in the track Computer Science Engineering in “International Conference on Advanced Computing Methodologies” (ICACM 2013) on 3rd August 2013 at Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad. |
Chaired a session in the track Computer Science Engineering in a Two day “National Conference on Advances in and Networking” (NCACN 2013) on 7th December 2013 at JNTUH College of Engineering Manthani. |
Chaired a Session in International Conference on Emerging ICT for Bridging Future during 12-14 December 2014 conducted by CSI Hyderabad Chapter in collaboration with JNTUH and DRDO. |
Chaired a session in the track Computer Science Engineering in a Two day National Conference on “Advanced Computing and Pattern Recognition” (ACPR 2014) during 8th and 9th January 2014 at JNTUHCEJ. |
Chaired a session in the track Computer Science Engineering in a Two day National Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology (NCRTST 2015) during 25-26 February 2015 at JNTUHCEJ. |
Chaired a session in the track Computer Science Engineering in “IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing 2016, at SRKR Engineering College, Bhimavaram during 27-28 February 2016. |
Chaired a session in the track Information Retrieval Systems in “1st International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics( ICCII 2016), at JNTUH College of Engineering , Hyderabad during 28-30 May 2016. |
Delivered a Invited Speech on “Machine Learning” in a Two day National workshop on “Research Methodologies in Machine Learning” on 21st December 2012 at Srinidhi Institute of science and Technology SNIST, Hyderabad. |
Delivered a Invited Speech on “Research Interventions” in a Two day National Conference on “Futuristic Areas in Computer Engineering and Technology” (FACET 2013) 0n 10th October 2013 at Kamala Institute of Technology and Science, Singapur |
Delivered a Keynote Speech on “Emerging Technologies in Academics & Research Domain” in a Two day National Conference on “Advanced Computing and Pattern Recognition” (ACPR 2014) 0n 8th January 2014 at JNTUHCEJ. |
Delivered a Keynote Speech on “Programming the semantic web” in a One day National workshop on 8th November 2014 at Gitam University Hyderabad. |
Delivered an Invited talk on “Computing in Science and Technology” in a Two day National Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology (NCRTST 2015) during 25-26 February 2015 at JNTUHCEJ |
Object Oriented Analysis and Design in Computer Science Engineering III/II (2015) |
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. Vice Principal
, JNTUH College of Engineering Manthani, 2017 - Present
2. Head of IT
, Indur Institute of Engineering and Technology, 2002 - 2010
3. Head of IT
, JNTUH College of Engineering, Jagitial, 2010 - 2014
Project/Research Guidance
Karthik Krishna Murthy |
Impact of Supplements and Summaries on Semantic Correlations using Latent Semantic Analysis on Hindi Text |
2016 |
Ramesh Dantam |
Region specific Crop Yield Analysis Using Data Mining Techniques |
2015 |
Aadi Narayana reddy |
Efficient cryptographic algorithm based on linear transformation |
2015 |