Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
Research Projects
File carving techniques for image files with missing fragments, funded by TEQIP-III, JNTUH - 2,94,500 (2019 - 2019)
Early detection of diabetic retinopathy using deep representation with binary CNN and data augmentation, funded by TEQIP-III, JNTUH - 2,89,500/- (2019 - 2019)
Dr Venugopal T, Awarded – Early detection of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Deep Representations with Binary CNN and Data Augmentation ,Indian patent, 2021 |
Dr Venugopal T, Published – Suspected Virtual Hard Disk Creator For File Carving Researches ,Indian patent, 2021 |
Dr Venugopal T, Awarded – A generic framework for multi model document image analysis ,Indian patent, 2020 |
Dr Venugopal T, Awarded – An effective mechanism using smart belt to prevent school children education ,Indian patent, 2020 |
Dr Venugopal T, Awarded – Deep Learning based Leaf Disease detection with Satellite Image Towards Precision Architecture ,Indian patent, 2020 |
1 .
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Improved Content-Based Image Retrieval with Multivariate Gaussian Distribution, 397 to 407, 978-981-13 0514-6_40
2 .
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, ADVANCED COMUTING AND PATTERN RECOGNITI, 97893830381 76
3 .
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, BS Publications, 978-93-5230-122-5, 2016
International Journals |
1 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Testing a file carving tool using realistic datasets generated with openness by a user level file system, International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies (Scopus Journal), Issue No.ISSN: 1755-8069, 2020 |
2 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Evaluation and Comparison of Hypercube Interconnection Networks Performance, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (Scopus Journal), ISBN No.pp. 6954 - 6962, Vol No.Vol. 29, No. 03, 2020 |
3 . |
4 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, The Satisfiability modulo Theory (SMT) in Code analysis, Zeichen Journal, ISBN No.ISSN No: 0932-4747, 2020 |
5 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Performance Index - A Metric to Analyze and Evaluate Performance of Hypercube Interconnection Networks, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) (Scopus Journal), ISBN No.ISSN: 2277-3878, Vol No.Volume-7 Issue-4, November, 2018 |
6 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Binary Quantized Deep Embedding for Semantic Image Clustering, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, ISBN No.1311-8080 , 2018 |
7 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Product Quantized Deep Embedding for Semantic Image Clustering, International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering, ISBN No.2348-2281 , 2018 |
8 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Semantic Image Clustering with Global Average Pooled Deep Convolutional Autoencoder, Helix-The Scientific Explorer, ISBN No.2319-5592 , 2018 |
9 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Color Based face recognition using template based, International journal of research, ISBN No.2348-795x , 2018 |
10 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Efficient Object Recognition using Discriminative Weight Learning, Int. Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology, ISBN No.0976 6375, May-June, 2017 |
11 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Video Content Representation with Grammar for Semantic Retrieval, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer science and software engineering, ISBN No.2277 - 128X, June, 2017 |
12 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Object Recognition Using Log-Euclidean Multivariate Gaussian Descriptors, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Scopus Journal), ISBN No.0973-4562 , 2017 |
13 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Integration of Region Based and Edge detection of Two Level Image Segmentation, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISBN No.2277-7881, 2017 |
14 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, An Image Indexing and Region based on Color and Texture, International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering, ISBN No.2454-4248 , August, 2017 |
15 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Skin color based segmentation for multiple face detection, Journal of innovation in computer science and engineering, ISBN No.2278-0947 , June, 2017 |
16 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, An Improved CBIR Approach Using Low Level Image Features Extraction and Representati, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Scopus Journal), ISBN No.0973-4562, 2017 |
17 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A Novel Approach for Semantic Image Clustering using Object Relation Network, Patterns of Relevance Feedback and Weight of Features, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Scopus Journal), ISBN No.0973-4562 , 2017 |
18 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Skin Color Based Segmentation for Multiple Face Detection, Journal of innovation in Computer Science and Engineering, ISBN No.2278-0947 , 2017 |
19 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Unconventional Method of Accessing Files An Automated Generation of its Input, Communications on Applied Electronics (CAE) Foundation of Computer Science FCS, ISBN No.2394-4714 , 2017 |
20 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A Survey on Brain Tumor Segmentation Methods with the Remedial Approach, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISBN No.2347-6710 , 2017 |
21 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A Predetermined Energy Based Efficient Routing Mechanism for MANET, Advances in Wireless and Mobile Communications, ISBN No.0973-6972 , 2017 |
22 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, HYPERCUBE AND ITS VARIANTS USING NS2, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, ISBN No.e-ISSN: 2278-621X, 2016 |
23 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, User Behaviour Analysis of IPTV Channels Using Markov Chain Model, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Research, ISBN No.2454-1796, July, 2016 |
24 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Modelling and Analysis of IPTV Usage Patterns for Improving Quality of Service., International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN No.0975 8887, June, 2016 |
25 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, using random lsb steganography and cryptography methods for m-commerce security, Anveshna International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Science, ISBN No.2455-6300, February, 2016 |
26 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, build a framework to optimize m-commerce security, Anveshna International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Science, ISBN No.2455-6300 , June, 2016 |
27 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A Survey on Mobile Commerce security issues and, A Survey on Mobile Commerce security issues and, ISBN No.2319 1813, June, 2016 |
28 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Novel pattern representation based on wavelet transforms, Anveshanas International Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISBN No.2455-6300, June, 2016 |
29 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, BNIMS: Block-based Non-Iterative Mean Shift Segmentation algorithm for Medical Images, International journal of applied engineering research (Scopus Journal), ISBN No.5020-5027 , 2016 |
30 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Brain Tumor using Integrated Fuzzy K means Clustering, International journal of compter science and information technology, ISBN No.2016.8104 , February, 2016 |
31 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A Methodology To Detect Most Effective Compression Technique Based On Time Complexity Cloud Migration For High Image Data Load, Australian Journal Of Basic And Applied Science, ISBN No.19918178, Sep-19, 2016 |
32 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Novel Directional Local Difference Binary Patterns (DLDBP) for Image, and Video Indexing and Retrieval, I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, ISBN No.2074-9074 , March-7, 2016 |
33 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Content-Based Video Indexing And Retrieval Using Block Based Center Symmetric Local Binary Patterns (BCSLBP, International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications, ISBN No.2321-3469 , Jan, 2016 |
34 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Content-Based Video Indexing and Retrieval using Key frames Texture, Edge and Motion Features, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, ISBN No.2347 5161 , April, 2016 |
35 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Based K-Means Image Segmentation Algorithm, International Journal of Science and Research, ISBN No.2319-7064 , Jan, 2016 |
36 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Content Based Video Indexing and Retrieval Using Key Frames Discrete Wavelet Center Symmetric Local Binary Patterns (DWCSLBP), International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, ISBN No.1947-5500 , May, 2016 |
37 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Image Segmentation,A canny Edge Extractor Techniques for iPhone 3GS Architecture, National Conference Soft Computing Techniques and Applications, 2015 |
38 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Content-Based Cricket Video Shot Classification Using Bag-of-Visual-Features, International conference ICAIECES 2015 (Scopus Journal), 2015 |
39 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Usage of Hypercube Interconnection Networks in Parallel Computing, International Conference on Innovations in Computing and Communication, 2015 |
40 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Replay Frames Classification in a Cricket Video Using Correlation Features and SVM, European Journal of Applied Sciences (Scopus Journal), ISBN No.2079-2077, 2015 |
41 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Analysis Of The Effectiveness In Image Compression For Cloud Storage For Various Image Formats, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (Scopus Journal), ISBN No.1819-6608 , March, 2015 |
42 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A Framework To Detect Most Efficient Image Compression Technique On Cloud Storage, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISBN No.2394-1588 , Dec, 2015 |
43 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A Novel Approach using K Split Segmentation for Visual Cryptography, International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, ISBN No.1740-8865 , Jan, 2015 |
44 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Content-Based Video Indexing and Retrieval using Block Based Local Binary Patterns and Pixel Change Ratio Map, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (Scopus Journal), ISBN No.0975-4024 , 2015 |
45 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Quantitative Analysis and Segmentation of Metastasis Brain Images using Hybrid Mean Shift Clustering, International Journal of Science & Technology (Scopus Journal), ISBN No.2321 919X , Dec, 2015 |
46 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, An Analysis of the Properties of Various Interconnection Networks, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, ISBN No.ISSN No. 0976-5697, Vol No.Volume 5, No. 4, 2014 |
47 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A survey and Analysis of the properties of various Interconnection networks, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, ISBN No.0976-5697, March, 2014 |
48 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A Proposed Method to Combining User Subjectivity to an Interactive CBIR for Effective Retrieval of Images using Relevance Feedback, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, ISBN No.2250-2459, April, 2013 |
49 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A Proposed LogBased Relevance Feedback Technique in CBIR Using Positive and Negative Examples, International Journal of Advances in Computer, Electrical and Electronics engineering, ISBN No.2248-9584, December, 2013 |
50 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A soft computing approach to sharpen the image resolution for face recognition, Int. J. Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering, ISBN No.1748-0701 , 2013 |
51 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Implementation of Greedy Sequential Unique Path File Carving Algorithm for Fragmented Bitmap Image Files, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN No.0975 8887 , June, 2013 |
52 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Indexing a Cricket Video using Frame Numbers and Retrieval of Events, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (Scopus Journal), ISBN No.2231- 2803 , 2013 |
53 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Relevance Feedback for Content Based Image Retrieval Based on Multitexton Histogram and Microstructure Descriptor, International Journal Publications of Problems & Application in Engineering Research, ISBN No.2230-8547, 2012 |
54 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Mining of colocation patterns from spatial datasets, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN No.0975- 8887 , March, 2012 |
55 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Active Learning Based Semantic Video Retrieval Using Single Graph, International Journal of AdvancedResearch in Computer Science, ISBN No.0976- 5697 , 2011 |
56 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Image retrieval using adapted Fourier Descriptors, Int. J. Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering (Scopus Journal), ISBN No.1748-0701, 2010 |
57 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Comparative study of edge detection techniques for image segmentation, Journal of Advances in Computer, Electrical and Electronics engineering, ISBN No.2248-9584, 2010 |
58 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, An Efficient and Fast Shape Based Image Retrieval Using Truncated Fourier Descriptors, Technology Spectrum, ISBN No.0974- 6854 , 2010 |
59 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, An analysis of the properties of various interconnection networks, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, ISBN No.0976- 5697 , 2010 |
60 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Video Indexing and Retrieval Applications and Challenges, Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology, ISBN No.0974- 6471 , May, 2010 |
61 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, Enhanced load balancing in face recognition system for effective performance of multi cluster, Journal of Data Engineering and computer science 2010, ISBN No.0975- 8372, July-Dec2009 to Jan-July 2010, 2009 |
62 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A Novel approach to Shape Based Image Retrieval Integrating Adapted Fourier descriptors and Freeman Code, IJCSNS, ISBN No.1738- 7906 , June, 2008 |
63 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A Novel Two Pass Algorithm for Shape based Image Retrieval, IJCSMR, ISBN No.2278- 733X , 2008 |
64 . |
Dr. Venugopal Temberveni, A Two Phase Copyright protection scheme for color images using secret sharing and Discrete wavelet Transform, International Journal of Applied Cryptography, ISBN No.1753-0571 , 2008 |
65 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Improved Performance in Image Retrieval using Combination of Evidences, IEEE International Advanced computing conference |
National Journals |
International Conference |
1 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Pitch Frames Classification in a Cricket Video Using Bag-of-Visual-Words, International conference ICAIECES 2015, 2015 |
2 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Closed Image Edge Detection Using Enhanced Support Vector Machine, ICRTCS |
3 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Survey on Image Clustering Techniques, International Conference on Advanced Computing |
4 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Enhanced BN Model for Automatic and Interactive Image Segmentation, ICRACS |
5 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, 3D Surface Measurement through Easy-snap Phase Shift Fringe Projection, Springer conference International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering (Scopus Journal Conference) |
6 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Dynamic split based multi level hierarchical image segmentation method for urban impervious surface mapping using very high resolution, International Conference on Recent Trent in Computer Science and Engineering |
7 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Improved Performance in Image Retrieval using Combination of Evidences, IEEE International Advanced computing conference |
8 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Two Phase Copyright Protection Scheme for Digital Images using Visual Cryptography and Sampling Methods, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques |
9 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, An Improved Brain Tumor Segmentation Method from MRI Brain Images, International Conference On Emerging Computation and Information Technologies (Scopus Journal Conference) |
10 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Image Retrieval on Parallel Multicomputers, ICACT 2008 |
11 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Novel Method for modeling spatial colocation patterns, International conference on frontiers of computer science |
12 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Automated Generation of a Natural ChallengeFile for File Carving Algorithms, International Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering, Technology and Management |
13 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Framework and CDR Parameters for effective image compression Techniques on Cloud Storage, International Conference on Technical Advancements in Computer Science and Engineering |
14 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Novel Approach to reduce semantic gap in CBIR using Relevance Feedback: Based on Integration of MSD and MTH Descriptors, RETCOMP 2013 |
15 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Unconventional Method of Accessing Image Files with Missing Header, International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics & Communication Engineering |
16 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Methodology To Detect Most Effective Compression Technique Based On Time Complexity Cloud Migration For High Image Data Load, International Conference on Communication and Security |
17 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, MPC-BLAR:maximal power conserved and battery life aware routing in ad hoc networks, ICCSEA international conference ,2013 |
18 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Comparative Research Findings On Cloud Based Image Storage And Retrieval, International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems |
19 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Novel Approach To Detect Most Effective Compression Technique Based On Compression Ratio And Time Complexity With High Image Data Load For Cloud Migration, International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Informatics |
20 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Improved Performance in CBIR using Machine Learning Approach, International Conference on Control, Power, Communication and Computing Technologies (Scopus Journal Conference) |
21 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Analysis Of The Effectiveness Lossy And Lossless Compression Technique For Cloud Storage, International Conference on Innovations in Computing and Communication |
22 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Item Ontology to Improve Information Retrieval Performance, International Conference of Nanoscience, Engineering & Advanced Computing |
23 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Cloud Based Ranking System on Clustered Databases, International Conference on Innovations in Computing and Communication |
24 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Novel Approach To Detect Most Effective Compression Technique For Jpeg 2000 With High Image Data Load, International Conference on Research Advancements in Engineering Sciences and Information Technology |
25 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, User Personalization by Click-Through DataStructure for Affective Recommended Web Search, International Conference of Nanoscience, Engineering & Advanced Computing |
26 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Power Saving Mechanism through Rebroadcasting Iteration Control in Mobile Ad hoc Network, 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science & Engineering Confluence (Scopus Journal Conference) |
27 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Multilevel and Multiple approaches for Feature Reweighting to Reduce Semantic Gap using Relevance Feedback, IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (Scopus Journal Conference) |
28 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, MECAR: Maximal Energy Conserved and Aware Routing in Ad hoc Networks, Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications (Scopus Journal Conference) |
29 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Relevance Score and Interval based Feature Reweighting in CBIR to reduce Semantic Gap using Relevance Feedback, IEEE International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Communication and Computational Technologies |
30 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Non-Continuation based Self ReWeighting approach for CBIR to Cut down Semantic Gap using Relevance Feedback, IEEE International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies (Scopus Journal Conference) |
31 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Content Based Image Retrieval Using Intelligent Segmentation Approaches, International Conference on Emerging Innovations in Engineering and Technology |
32 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Novel approach to Self Order Feature Reweighting in CBIR to reduce Semantic Gap using Relevance Feedback, IEEE International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies |
33 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Sparse Vector Quantization and Genetic Algorithm Similarity Measure based Image Indexing Technique for CBIR, International Conference on Applied Sciences, Engineering, Technology and Management |
34 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Novel approach to Optimize Relevance Feedback in CBIR via Integrating MSD and FRB Function Network, 2nd International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering and Technology |
35 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Comparison of properties affecting the performance of Hypercube Interconnection Network, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization (Scopus Journal Conference) |
36 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Face recognition : A template based approach., International conference on green computing and internet of things |
37 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Region based Semantic Image Clustering using Positive and Negative Examples, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering |
38 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Region based Semantic Image Retrieval using Ontology, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (Scopus Journal Conference) |
39 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Novel Approach for Color Image Segmentation Using Iterative Partitioning Mean Shift Clustering Algorithm, IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (Scopus Journal Conference) |
40 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Accelerated Gaussian Mean-Shift using Color Image Segmentation, International Conference on Advanced Computing Methodologies |
41 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Semantic Image Clustering using Region based on Positive and Negative Exaples, International Conference on Innovations in Computing and Communication |
42 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Predict Techniques based Image Color Edge detection Algorithm in RGB Color Space, International Conference on Recent Advances in Computer Sciences |
43 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Dynamic Split Based Multilevel Hierarchical Image Segmentation Method for Urban Impervious Surface Mapping Using Very High Resolution, International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science & Engineering |
National Conference |
1 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, An efficient set of criteria for Performance Evaluation of Multiprocessor Interconnection Networks, National level Conference ACPR 2014, 2014 |
2 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, An analysis of the properties of various interconnection networks, National Conference on Innovations and Advancements in computing IAC 2014, 2014 |
3 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Survey and Analysis of the properties of various Interconnection Networks, National Conference on Advanced Trends and Challenges in Computer Science and Applications, 2014 |
4 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Study on Video Annotation Tools and Future Necessities, National Conference on Emerging & Innovative Trends in Computer Science, 2012 |
5 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Image Segmentation: A Non-parametric clustering based approach,, National Conference on Advances in Computing and Networking |
6 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Combination of region Growing and Edge Detection Using Hybrid Image Segmentation Techniques, 1st National Conference on SHODH-SAMAGAM |
7 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, An Efficient Segmentation Algorithm for Fingerprint Image Based on Region Merging, National Conference on ACEE |
8 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Data Mining : Understanding data and disease modelling, National Conference on communications, Networking and mobile communications |
9 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Image Segmentation,A canny Edge Extractor Techniques for iPhone 3GS Architecture, National Conference Soft Computing Techniques and Applications |
10 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, An Efficient Segmentation Algorithm for Fingerprint Image Based on Region Merging, National Conference on ACEE201 |
11 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Content Based Image Retrieval, National conference on advances in Information Security |
12 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Image Segmentation,A canny Edge Extractor Techniques for iPhone 3GS Architecture, National Conference SCTA-2011 |
13 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Image Retrievals Using Improved Zernike moments, National Conference on Emerging & Innovative Trends in Computer Science |
14 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Performance improvement in Image Retrieval using Dempster- Shafer Theory, Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, Image & Video Processing |
15 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Survey On Power Aware Routing Protocols In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, National Conference on computational Intelligence And Applications |
16 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Modified Approach to Shape Representation and Retrieval, National Conference CCCA-2008 |
17 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Classifying Words : A Syllables based Model, National Conference on Recent Research Advancements in Information Technology |
18 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Content based Image Retrieval by using Wavelet Transform Coefficients Distribution, National conference on Advanced Computing and Pattern Recognition |
19 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, An Adaptive Approach to Extract Texture Feature from an Image in Image Retrieval Process, National Conference on Advanced Computing and Pattern Recognition |
20 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, A Proposed Log-Based Relevance Feedback Technique In CBIR Using Positive And Negative Examples, National Conference on Image Processing and Applications |
21 . |
Dr. Venugopal T, Design and implementation of file carving algorithms in computer forensics., National conference on advance computing and networking |
Workshop |
Adminstrative Positions Held
1. Principal
, JNTUH College of Engineering Rajanna Sircilla - Present
2. Head of CSE Department
, JNTUH College of Engineering , Sultanpur ,Pulkal,Sangareddy, Telangana, India.
3. HEAD of CSE Department
, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial
4. Vice-Principal
, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial
5. TPO
, JNTUH College of Engineering, Nachupally, Kondagattu
, JNTUH College of Engineering, Nachupally, Kondagattu
Project/Research Guidance
K. Shiva Krishna |
Diseases Prediction Using Machine Learning In Health Care |
2019 |
An Improved Decision Table Classifier Mechanism For Web Shopping |
2018 |
Protecting facebook user`s data from malicious applications by using FID Apps systems |
2017 |
Infering user image search goals under implicit guidance of users |
2016 |
An exploratory search engine using cloud data base |
2015 |
digital image water marking |
2015 |
Fast nearest neighbour search with keywords |
2014 |
R.Pallavi Reddy |
Image retrieval for aqua marine images |
2008 |
B. Ramesh Naik |
Comparative study on Content based Image Retrieval system using Fourier descriptors, Modified Fourier Descriptors and Zernike movements |
2008 |
S. Ajay Kumar |
Shape Retrieval based on Dynamic Programming |
2008 |
image segmentation, implementation of gaussian mean shift clustering |
2008 |
Kayiram Kavitha |
Simulation of mobility models |
2007 |
D. Neelima |
Regression Testing based on value spectra differences |
2007 |
K.DasaradhaRamaiah |
Effective Middleware Framework To Store Image Data On Multi-Cloud Systems |
2020 |
M. Sunitha |
Power Aware Routing in Adhoc Networks |
2020 |
"A Novel Framework for face Recognition Using Based Template Features with Relevance Feedback" |
2020 |
B.Ramesh Naik |
Novel Algorithms in CBIR Using Discriminative Weight learning and Multi-completed Variate Gaussian Distribution on SIFT |
2019 |
K. Srinivas |
Novel File Carving Techniques For image Files With Corrupted Headers |
2019 |
K.Morarjee |
Efficient Image Clustering Algorithms Using Deep Representations |
2019 |
Venkateshwar Rao Bolla |
Two Phase Copyright Protection scheme for color images using secret sharing and Discrete wavelet transform |
2018 |
Content Based Image Retrieval |
2018 |
P.L.Srinivasa Murthy |
User Behavior Analysis using Finite state Markovion Model for next generation IPTV |
2018 |
Image Segmentation using Non-Parametric Mean Shift Clustering Algorithms |
2017 |
Kranthi Kumar K |
Enhanced Feature Reweighting techniques to improve CBIR System performance by reducing Semantic Gap |
2017 |
M Ravindra |
Content based Video Retrieval using Novel Binary Patterns of Key-Frames |
2017 |
Kambham Ammulu |
A novel and efficient data classification algorithm using Particle Swarm Intelligence |
2017 |
Contact : |
Dr. T. Venugopal
Professor , I/c & Principal of UCERS
Computer Science & Engineering
JNTUH University College of Engineering Jagtial
Official Email:
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