Educational & Professional
Academic Qualifications
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, Osmania University (2004-2010)
MTech in Computer Science , Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (2000-2002)
BE in Computer Science and Engineering, Osmania University (1996-2000)
Professional Experience
Teaching Experience
1. |
Professor, JNTUHCEJ (2019-01-01 - Till Date) |
2. |
Associate Professor, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial (01-01-2016 - 2018-12-31) |
3. |
Assistant Professor (SGS), JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial (2012-07-30 - 2015-12-15) |
4. |
Assistant Professor (Sr. Scale), JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial (30-07-2007 - 2012-07-29) |
5. |
Assistant Professor, JNTU Kakinada (2006-11-18 - 2007-07-29) |
6. |
Assistant Professor, J.B.I.E.T, HYD, JNTUH (2006-07-04 - 2006-11-15) |
7. |
Assistant Professor, VREC, Nizamabad, JNTUH (2002-07-23 - 2006-06-30) |
1. |
Associate Professor, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial (2016 - Till Date) |
2. |
Assistant Professor, JNTUH College of Engineering Jagtial (2008 - 2016) |
3. |
Assistant Professor, JNTU Kakinada (2006 - 2008) |
1 .
Dr. P. Sammulal, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, BSP Publishers, 978-93-5230-084-7, 2016
2 .
Dr. P. Sammulal, Peddi Kishor, Web Technologies and Applications, BSP Publishers, 978-93-5230-084-6, 2016
International Journals |
1 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Water Quality Monitoring System through IoT, High Technology Letters, ISBN No.1006-6748, Vol No.27, Issue No.11, pp.103-110, 2021 |
2 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, A Mining Approach for Water Pipe line Leakage Detection and Localization, Design Engineering, ISBN No.0011-9342, Issue No.8, pp.16259-16272, 2021 |
3 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Early Action Prediction using 3DCNN with LSTM and Bidirectional LSTM, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathmatics Education, ISBN No.2275-2281, Vol No.12, Issue No.6, pp.2275-2281, 2021 |
4 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Prediction of Water Consumed Pattern using Time Series Data (Recurrent Nueral Network) in Water Test Bed Grid(Netwirk), Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathmatics Education, ISBN No.5880-5890, Vol No.12, Issue No.14, pp.5880-5891, 2021 |
5 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Design and Implementation of Multi Label Land Cover Change Prediction Model by Modified ANN-CNN and CA-Markov Method, International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology(IJARET), ISBN No.0976-6480 , Vol No.12, Issue No.2 , pp.574-583, IAEME, February, 2021 |
6 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Early Action Prediction using VGG16 Model and Bidirectional LSTM, IT inIndustry, ISBN No.2204-0595, Vol No.9, Issue No.1, pp.666-672, 2021 |
7 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, A Mining Frame Work of CO-PO Attainment using Deep Learning Techniques, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISBN No.2278-3075, Vol No.9, Issue No.4S2, pp.60-63, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Science Publications, March, 2020 |
8 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Performance Analysis of Feature Extraction Methods Based on Genetic Expression for Clustering Video Dataset, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, ISBN No.978-981-15-1480-72_42, pp.501-511, Springer Nature Singapore, 2020 |
9 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Anomaly Detection in Control Data of Programming Execution by Context Sensitive Hidden Markov Model", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISBN No.ISSN: 2249 – 8958, 2020 |
10 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Anomaly Detection using Machine Learning: A Rule Based Classification and Ordered Regression Tree with Real Time Datasets ", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISBN No.ISSN: 2278-3075, 2020 |
11 . |
An efficient approach for imputation and classification of medical data values using class-based clustering of medical records, ELSEVIER Computers and Electrical Engineering , ISBN No.0045 7906, Vol No.66, pp.487-504, 2018 |
12 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Efficient Iceberg Query Evaluation on Multiple Attributes using Dynamic Programming Approach, Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, ISBN No.1943 023x, Vol No.10, Issue No.10, pp.1703-1715, April, 2018 |
13 . |
A study on Pancreatic Cancer Detection in Healthcare Applications Using Data Mining Techniques, Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, , ISBN No.1943 023X, Vol No.10, Issue No.5, pp.245-254, April, 2018 |
14 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, A Hybrid Approach for Prediction of Type-1 and Type-2 Diabetes using Firefly and Cuckoo Search Algorithms, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, , ISBN No.0973 4562, Vol No.13, pp.896-907, November, 2018 |
15 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, An NDVI based spatial pattern analysis for spatial image classification, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISBN No.0973 4562, June, 2018 |
16 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Dictionary Learning Features Based Cross Media Retrieval Using Minkowski Distance, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering & Systems, ISBN No.2185 310x, Vol No.11, Issue No.06, pp.244-251, 2018 |
17 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Association Rule Mining Using an Unsupervised Neural Network with an Optimized Genetic Algorithm, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering , ISBN No.1876 1100, pp.657-669, 2018 |
18 . |
An Optimal Heuristic for Student Failure Detection and Diagnosis in the Sathavahana Educational Community Using WEKA, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering , ISBN No.1876 1100, pp.671-678, 2018 |
19 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, A Novel Hybrid Image Analysis using ACO and Fuzzy Logic for Textured and Non-Textured Images., International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN No.2250 1797, Vol No.2, Issue No.8, pp.119-124, March-April, 2018 |
20 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, A Survey on Leaks and Faults Detection and Diagnosis in Water Supply System, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, ISBN No.2320 0294, Vol No.17, Issue No.02, pp.174-179, February , 2018 |
21 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Efficient Iceberg Query Evaluation on Multiple Attributes using Set Representation", International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology, ISBN No."ISSN: 2278 – 1323 ", 2017 |
22 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "A Study on Pancreatic Cancer Detection in Healthcare Applications Using Data Mining Techniques", Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, ISBN No.ISSN:1943-023X, 2017 |
23 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Analysis of Advanced Data Mining Prototypes in Spatial Data Analysis, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ISBN No.1816 949x, pp.3213-3219, 2017 |
24 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Anomaly Detection using New Tracing Tricks on Program Executions and Analysis of System Data, Springer Journal of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing , ISBN No.2194 5357, pp.389-389, 2017 |
25 . |
Meta Data based Conceptualization and Temporal Semantics in Hybrid Recommender, International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis , ISBN No.2334 4598, Vol No.4, Issue No.4, October, 2017 |
26 . |
Visualization for IBQ Applications, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN No.0975 8887, Vol No.164, Issue No.8, pp.42-46, April, 2017 |
27 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Techniques for Machine Learning based Special Data Analysis: Research Directions, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN No.0975 8887, Vol No.170, Issue No.1, pp.9-13, July, 2017 |
28 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Mining Frequent Patterns using Self-Organizing Map with MATALB Neural Network Toolbox, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology, ISBN No.2278 1323, Vol No.6, Issue No.12, pp.1845-1850, DECEMBER, 2017 |
29 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, A Class based clustering approach for imputation and mining of medical records (CBC – IM), International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems,, ISBN No.1646 3692, Vol No.12, Issue No.01, pp.61-74, 2017 |
30 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, Personalized Context Aware Assignment Recommendations in E-Learning System, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN No.ISSN: 0975 – 8887, 2016 |
31 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "An Innovative Imputation and Classification Approach for Accurate Disease Prediction", International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, ISBN No.ISSN:1947-5500, 2016 |
32 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "An Effective Hybrid Recommender Using Metadata-based Conceptualization and Temporal Semantics", International Journal of Recent Contributions from Engineering, Science & IT, ISBN No.ISBN: 2197-8581, 2016 |
33 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Hybrid Textured Image Classification using Ant Colony Optimization with Fuzzy Logic", International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN: 2347-3983, 2016 |
34 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "ESDAS: Explorative Spatial Data Analysis Scale to predict spatial structure of landscape ", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, ISBN No.ISSN: 2229-5518, 2016 |
35 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, A Hybrid Approach to Handle Cold Start in a Recommender by Exploiting Latent, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research., ISBN No. 0973 4562, Vol No.11, , Issue No.6, pp.3905-3909, 2016 |
36 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, A Novel Approach for Imputation of Missing Attribute Values for Efficient Mining of Medical Datasets – Class BasedCluster Approach, ReRevistaTecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del Zulia (Technical Journal of the Faculty of Engineering, TJFE), ISBN No.0254 0770, Vol No.39, Issue No.2, pp.184-195, 2016 |
37 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, An Effective Hybrid Recommender Using Metadata-based Conceptualization and Temporal Semantics, International Journal of Engineering and Science, ISBN No.2319 1805, Vol No.04, Issue No.03, pp.4-11, 2016 |
38 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Rules Generation by Ant Colony Optimization for Classifying Textured and Non-Textured Images", "International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering", ISBN No.ISSN: 2277 128X, 2015 |
39 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, RBDT: The Cascading of Machine Learning Classifiers for Anomaly Detection with Case Study of Two Datasets, Springer Journal of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing , ISBN No.2194 5357, Vol No.324, pp.309-324, Springer, 2015 |
40 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Anomaly Detection Through Comparison of Heterogeneous Machine Learning Classifiers vs KPCA., Springer Journal of Communications in Computer and Information Science, ISBN No.1865 0929, pp.483-495, 2015 |
41 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, Elliptic Curves as Tool for Public Key Cryptography, International Journal of Engineering and Science. , ISBN No.2319 6483, Vol No.5, Issue No.5, pp.6-12, jUNE, 2015 |
42 . |
Dr. P. Sammulal, CSSF- trie structure to mine constraint Sequential Patterns from Progressive Database, International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining. , ISBN No.1755 2095, Vol No.2, Issue No.4, pp.248-265, 2013 |
43 . |
Machine learning approach to anomaly detection in cyber security with a case study of spamming attack, International Journal of Computer Engineering & Technology(IJCET),, ISBN No.0976 6367 E-ISSN 0976-6375, Vol No.4, Issue No.3, pp.113-122, May-June, 2013 |
National Journals |
1 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Hybrid Image Classification using ACO with Fuzzy Logic for Textured and Non-Textured Images", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, ISBN No."ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645", 2017 |
International Conference |
1 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "A Mining Framework for Efficient Leakage Detection and Diagnosis in Water Supply System", "Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Communications and Cyber Physical Engineering", ISBN No.ISBN: ISBN 978-981-15-7960-8, 2020 |
2 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Performance Analysis of Feature Extraction Methods based on Genetic Expression for clustering video dataset", Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, ISBN No.ISBN: 978-981-15-1480-7_42, 2020 |
3 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Anomaly Detection Using Anomalous Behavior at Program Environment Through Relative Difference Between Return Addresses", "Proceeding of the International Conference on Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT (ICCBI - 2019)", ISBN No.ISBN 978-3-030-43191-4, 2019 |
4 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Diabetes Detection Using Principal Component Analysis and Neural Networks", International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, ISBN No.ISBN: 978-981-13-9184-2_24, 2019 |
5 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Performance Analysis of Feature Extraction Methods Based on Genetic Expression for Clustering Video Dataset", "Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics", ISBN No.ISBN 978-981-15-1479-1, 2018 |
6 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Association Rule Mining Using an Unsupervised Neural Network with an Optimized Genetic Algorithm", International Conference on Communications and Cyber Physical Engineering 2018, ISBN No.ISBN: 978-981-13-0211-4, 2018 |
7 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Image and Video Clustering Techniques in High Dimensional Data Set - A Review", "1 st National Conference on Emerging Trends in Data Science and Intelligent Computing-2018", ISBN No.ISBN No: 9789385100314, 2018 |
8 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Encryption and Decryption Using Elliptic Curves for Public key Cryptosystems", International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems, ISBN No.ISBN: 978-1-5386-2745-7/17, 2017 |
9 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "New Machine Learning based Approach for Predictive Modeling on Spatial Data", ISBN No.ISBN: 978-1-5090-6366-6/17, 2017 |
10 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Hybrid Recommender System with Conceptualization and Temporal Preferences", "Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Computer and Communication Technologies", ISBN No.ISBN: 978-81-322-2522-5, 2016 |
11 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "A Personalized Recommender System Using Conceptual Dynamics", "Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics", ISBN No.ISBN: 978-981-10-2470-2, 2016 |
12 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Anomaly Detection Using New Tracing Tricks on Program Executions and Analysis of System Data", "Proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Informatics", ISBN No.ISBN: 978-981-10-2470-2, 2016 |
13 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "An Efficient Approach for Mining Positive and Negative Association Rules from Large Transactional Databases", International conference on inventive computation technologies (ICICT), ISBN No.ISBN: 978-1-7281-8501-9, 2016 |
14 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "An Innovative Approach for Imputation and Classification of Medical Records for Efficient Disease Prediction", Second International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies, ISBN No.ISBN: ISBN 978-1-4503-3962-9/16/03, 2016 |
15 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "An Efficient Disease Prediction and Classification Using Feature Reduction Based Imputation Technique", International Conference on Engineering & MIS (ICEMIS), ISBN No.ISBN: 978-1-5090-5579-1/16, 2016 |
16 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "An Approach for Imputation of Medical Records Using Novel Similarity Measure", International Conference on Soft Computing-MENDEL, ISBN No.ISBN: 978-3-319-58088-3 21, 2016 |
17 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "An Efficient Disease Prediction and Classification Using Feature Reduction Based Imputation Technique", International Conference on Engineering & MIS, ISBN No.ISBN: 978-1-5090-5579-1/16, 2016 |
18 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Kernel Centric Machine Learning Classifiers for Anomaly Detection with Real Bank Datasets", 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Information Embedded and Communication Systems, ISBN No.ISBN: 978-1-4799-6818-3/15, 2015 |
19 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "A Novel Approach for Imputation of Missing Values for Mining Medical Datasets", International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, ISBN No.ISBN: 978-1-4799-7849-6/15, 2015 |
20 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "RBDT: The Cascading of Machine Learning Classifiers for Anomaly Detection with Case Study of Two Datasets ", ISBN No.ISBN: 978-3-319-11218-3_29, 2015 |
21 . |
Dr.P.Sammulal, "Anomaly Detection Through Comparison of Heterogeneous Machine Learning Classifiers vs KPCA", "Third International Symposium, SSCC 2015 ", ISBN No.ISBN: 978-3-319-22915-7_44, 2015 |
National Conference |
Workshop |
Events Participated/Organized
Organized |
Organized a FDP on Robotics and Its Applications, UGC - Human Resource Development Centre, JNTUH, Hyderabad, 20-12-2021 to 27-12-2021 |
Organized a Seminar on Full Stack Wed Development, JNTUHCE Jagtial, 08-12-2021 |
Organized a Symposium on Cresence - 2019, Dept. of CSE, JNTUHCE, Nachupally, Karimnagar., 22-03-2019 to 23-03-2019 |
Organized a Workshop on Internet of Things, JNTUHCE, Nachupally, Karimnagar., 11-03-2019 to 12-03-2019 |
Participated |
1. |
Participated in a Orientation Course on Programming in Internet of Things, JNTUHCE Jagtial, 07-12-2020 to 12-12-2020 |
2. |
Participated in a FDP on RUBY & PERL PROGRAMMING, St. Peters Engineering College, 03-06-2020 to 08-06-2020 |
3. |
Participated in a FDP on Artificial Intelligence, CMR Engineering College, Hyderabad, 22-05-2020 to 26-05-2020 |
4. |
Participated in a Seminar on Cisco Packet Tracer Hands on Skills, CMR Engineering College, 19-05-2020 |
5. |
Participated in a FDP on PHP & MYSQL, JNTUHCE Jagtial, 18-05-2020 to 23-05-2020 |
6. |
Participated in a FDP on Internet of Things(IoT), National Institute of Technology Warangal & Atal Academy, 11-05-2020 to 15-05-2020 |
7. |
Participated in a FDP on IPR Awareness and Patent Prosecution, CMR Engineering College, Hyderabad, 06-05-2020 to 10-05-2020 |
8. |
Participated in a FDP on Blockchain Technology, JNTUH, Hyderabad, 20-09-2019 to 21-09-2019 |
9. |
Participated in a Workshop on Sensitization of Socially Challenged Communities - Higher Education, JNTUH, Hyderabad, 07-08-2019 to 08-08-2019 |
10. |
Participated in a Workshop on Data Science & Deep Learning, JNTUH, Hyderabad, 22-07-2019 to 23-07-2019 |
11. |
Participated in a FDP on Cloud Computing & it’s Applications, GNITC, IBRAHIMPATNAM, 11-12-2017 to 16-12-2017 |
12. |
Participated in a Orientation Course on National Service Scheme, UGC HRDC, ACADEMIC STAFF COLLEGE, Osmania University, 17-11-2016 to 23-11-2016 |
13. |
Participated in a Conference on An Innovative Imputation and Classification Approach for Accurate Disease Prediction (ICTCS-2016), Udaipur, 05-03-2016 to 06-03-2016 |
14. |
Participated in a Workshop on Internet of Things, JNTUHCE, Nachupally, Karimnagar., 28-01-2016 to 29-01-2016 |
15. |
Participated in a FDP on Pervasive and Mobile Computing, NIT, WARANGAL, 24-11-2015 to 03-12-2015 |
16. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on The Current Technology Trends in Information Technology, UGC ACADEMIC STAFF COLLEGE, JNTUH HYDERABAD-500085, 09-06-2014 to 28-06-2014 |
17. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Research Methodology, JNTUHCE, Nachupally, Karimnagar., 11-06-2012 to 30-06-2012 |
18. |
Participated in a Refresher Course on Information System Security, UGC ACADEMIC STAFF COLLEGE, JNTU HYDERABAD-500085, 09-11-2009 to 30-11-2009 |
19. |
Participated in a Orientation Course on Information Technology, UGC ACADEMIC STAFF COLLEGE, JNTU HYDERABAD-500085, 08-06-2009 to 04-07-2009 |
20. |
Participated in a FDP on Introduction to Programming, Great Learning Academy, |
21. |
Participated in a FDP on Cloud Foundations, Great Learning Academy, |
22. |
Participated in a Conference on An Efficient Approach for Mining Positive and Negative Associational Databases, Pp:1-5, RVS Technical Campus, Coimbatore & Inventive Research Organization, India, |
23. |
Participated in a Conference on New Machine Learning based Approach for Predictive Modeling on Spatial Data (IEEE ICACCI 2017 Conference), Manipal University, Karnataka, India, |
24. |
Participated in a Conference on A Novel approach for approximation based spatial data classification (IEEEPS -18), VNRVJIET, HYDERABAD, |
25. |
Participated in a Conference on A Personalized Recommender System using Conceptual Dynamics (ICCII-2016), Dept. of CSE, JNTUH, Hyderabad, |
26. |
Participated in a Conference on Encryption and Decryption Using Elliptic Curves for Public key Cryptosystems. Pp:1300-1303 (ICICCS 2017), Vaigai College of Engineering Madhurai, India, |
27. |
Participated in a Conference on Image and Video Clustering Techniques in High Dimensional Data Set-A Review. Pp: 140-145 (NCETDSIC-2018), Dept of CSE, JNTUH College of Engineering Sultanpur, |
28. |
Participated in a Conference on Performance Analysis of Feature extraction method based on genetic expression for clustering Video data set (ICCII - 2018), Dept of CSE, JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad, |
29. |
Participated in a Conference on An Efficient Approach for Mining Positive and Negative Association Rules from Large Transactional Databases, Vikram College of Engg, Madurai, Tamilnadu, |
Honors & Professional Activities
YOUTH WORKER AWARD, National Youth Services Council, Ministry of National Policies & Economic Affiairs, Govt. of Srilanka., 2017
Adminstrative Positions Held
, JNTUH, 2016 - 2018
, JNTUH, 2018 - 2018
, JNTUH, 2016 - 2018
, JNNTUHCE JAGTIAL, 2015 - 2016
, JNTUH, 2018
Project/Research Guidance
Goverdhan Reddy J |
Anomaly Detection on System and Application Data Using Tracing and Machine Learning Approaches |
2021 |
Usharani Y |
Design of Novel Missing Value Imputation Methods for Classification of Medical Data Sets |
2021 |
Subbarao Katta |
Enhanced Image Analysis Approches for Textured and Non-Textured Image Classification |
2020 |
V. Chandra Shekar Rao |
2019 |
Dr. M. Venugopala Chari |
Quality Enhancement Using Meta-Data Based Hybrid Recommender System for Web Usage Mining |
2018 |
Implementation OF RPF In Associative Classification |
2019 |
Superman: Security Using Pre-Existing Routing for Manets |
2019 |
K. Swetha |
Managing Sound System Using Android |
2018 |
Effective User Search Histories Through The Use of QFG |
2017 |
Mining both Frequent and Infrequent Item sets from very Large datasets based on Map Reduce Model |
2015 |
R. Madhu |
A Load Balancing Model Based on Cloud Partitioning for the Public Cloud |
2015 |
D. Naveen Reddy |
Intelligent Infrastructure Monitoring of Telecom Sites using Cloud Computing and Mobile Application |
2015 |
V. Sreeram Geethanath |
Dynamic resource allocation using Virtual Machines for Cloud Computing environment |
2014 |
A. Swetha Priya |
Energy efficient management for load balancing in cloud computing |
2014 |
Kandi Ramya |
A Load Balancing model based on Partitioning technique. |
2014 |
Contact : |
Dr. P Sammulal
Professor (On deputation at JNTUH-Hyderabad.)
Computer Science & Engineering
JNTUH University College of Engineering Jagtial
SP Nilayam,
Bhagya Nagar Colony,
Phase III
Official Email:
Alternate Email: